Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Eve Service

Wow! What an amazing Christmas Eve service!
78 degrees at sunset (and what a beautiful sunset) over 3500 people packed into Lowdermilk park and the beaches. The glow of thousands of candles and voices lifting up to the starry sky and singing 'Silent Night.'

Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who helped make this possible. From the trolley greeters to the living nativity to Saint Nicholas to the candle and program crew to the signing to the photographers to the singers and band to the security crew to the chair crew to the...well you get the picture! And what a wonderful article in the Naples Daily News!

Any suggestions for next year? Leave a comment on the blog.

Helping Hands Ministry Update

I just want to say how full my heart is from the generous giving from you during a difficult financial season. Not only did we sell ALL calendars/CD packets which raised $1500 for additional Christmas giving, but also the thousand dollars spent (if not more) through our helping hands ministry and 8000 meals for children through our Haitian mission ministry. And we had families who 'adopted' other families in need and provided trees, food and gifts! Well Gene, where was the money spent? How did we help? Just to list a few...

  1. Providing money for steel toed work boots and clothing to help someone start in a new job
  2. Two single parent families with children receiving everything they need for Christmas including food and gifts.
  3. Numerous families helped with money for mortgage/rent payments during December.
  4. Paying for an apartment so a family could be near their new born baby that had to spend time in a Children's Hospital out of town.
  5. WAL-MART gift cards
  6. PUBLIX gift cards
  7. Gas for chemotherapy trips from Naples to Tampa.
  8. And lots of food from our food pantry.

And, be sure to ask John & Anne Raker about our successful 'Food In The Fields' program. These are just a few examples. One thing that I have learned is this. Celebration Church truly believes in helping those that are less fortunate or in need. In many of these cases during December, I found myself thinking..."There, but by the Grace of God goes I." So thank you and know that when you help in Christ's name...

"whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ, I say unto you, you shall not lose your reward."

Celebration has a Wonderful New Service!

Have you noticed a new face on the stage? And have you also noticed that the movement of her hands are pure poetry? Well this person is Kaye Fleming who is now signing all of the Celebration services for the hearing impaired. Kaye is a teacher and has been doing religious interpreting for 30 years. Kaye is a wonderful example of someone sharing her unique s.h.a.p.e. in ministry at Celebration!

Have You Heard Our Podcasts?

If you are like me, one hour each Sunday is just not enough! I want to hear more, learn more, just get 'more' about Celebration Church! That is why we have 3 weekly podcasts that you can listen to for free. One podcast is each Sunday's message, one podcast is the music of that Sunday AND one podcast called 'Ramblings From Paradise.' This 7-10 minute long weekly podcast is just ramblings from my mind along with Peter Marsh. Needless to say, each rambling podcast is different and never boring. You can listen one of two ways. If you own an ipod, you can subscribe for free and just update it weekly or you can listen directly from the church website.

And remember, at you will also find weekly photos (be sure to check out the photos from Christmas Eve) and timely blogs that you can respond to. So learn more and get more from your church. If you are listening, just drop me a note right here on this blog. I would love to hear what you think of the podcasts and anything else on your mind.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

FOR THE WEEK OF Dec. 21st-27th, 2008

22nd - Philip Cooke
25th - John Glanville
26th - Mary Smith

23rd - Vernon & Janice Brown
Al & Carol Konigson
24th - Doug & Pam McCree

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Then Sings My Soul .... My deepest gratitude and thanks to Pastor Gene, Pastor Gordie and Pastors Sam and Bunny Sewell for making the dream of my ordination service last Sunday a reality. I'd like to express my thanks and appreciation to Pastor Harold Brown and North Naples United Methodist Church for the use of their chapel and fellowship hall. My thanks to Peter Marsh for his wonderful music that added so much to the service.

My appreciation and thanks to Joyce Chesser and all of our marvelous hospitality ladies for the lovely reception following thge service and to Pam Costa and Arlene Thompson for their great photographs, the videographer and recording the service.

I'd like to thank my wonderful church family for the cards, gifts, kind words, love and support you've given me. And a special thank you to those of you who came to witness and participate in my ordination and share my joy. This was truly a family affair and labor of love that I'll carry in my heart forever.

Pastor Lana

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


FOR THE WEEK OF Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2008

Happy Birthday
Nov. 30th - Maureen Aughton

Dec. 1st - Mark Block
Helene deNeergaard
Polly Graziano

3rd - Ron Pendrick

4th - David Bilby
Dean Langdon

Happy Anniversary
Philip & Janice Cooke

Friday, November 28, 2008

Our beloved Pastor Lana will be ordained on November 30th at 3:00 at the North Naples United Methodist Church in the chapel.

Please join us us for this joyous occasion.

Directions to the church.

This is such a happy and important occasion, not only in Pastor Lana's calling but in our calling as a church family. I hope everyone will be there to support Lana as she has been there throughout her time at Celebration for all of us. Pastor Lana, God bless you!

Pastor Gene

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is the Thanksgiving poem on food that I shared after todays message. After all the important things said about relationships, this is what people requested that I blog about....sigh.

Anyway, I don't know who the author is, but I pass it along to you...thanks for the large crowd today for our community Thanksgiving service and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

I ate too much Turkey,
I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie.
I'm stuffed up with muffins and too much stuffin'
I'm probably going to die.
I piled up my plate and I ate and I ate.
But I wish I had known when to stop,
For I'm so crammed with yams, sauces,
gravies, and jams
That my buttons are starting to pop!
I'm full of tomatoes and french fried potatoes.
My stomach is swollen and sore,
But there's still some dessert so I guess it won't hurt
if I eat just a little bit more!

THE WEEK OF Nov. 23 - Nov. 29, 2008

Happy Anniversry!
26th - Sherman & Sharon Collins
Ernie & Jeanne Kemnetz
Jim & Amy Webb
29th - Bill & Donna Bull

Happy Birthday!
24th - Jan Grunewald
David Holt
David Jensen
28th – Sherry Jenson

Saturday, November 15, 2008

FOR THE WEEK OF Nov. 16 - Nov. 22, 2008

Happy Anniversry!
17th - Michael & Toni Duron
22nd - Web & Deb Boyd

Happy Birthday!
- Mary Hughes
Christine Lonergan
Jim Lyle
Timothy Meister
21st - Shirley Buffa
22nd - Michael Faucett
Pat Perry

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do Pets Go To Heaven?

The photo to the left is of my good friend Alan and his dog Biscuit. Biscuit has been attending Celebration church with Alan for at least six years. However Biscuit is 17 years old and has cancer and lives in constant pain. So, this week, Alan is having him put to sleep. Any pet owner can sympathize with what Alan is feeling. But, when times like this arise, there is always this question…”Do our pets go to heaven?” If you want the full, lengthy answer with all the scriptures, please order the message from March 2008 called “Do Pets Go To Heaven?” But the short answer is, I believe….YES!

God likes animals….no, God loves animals. We see that all through scripture…

In the Old Testament…Genesis 24 relates how, when Eliezer went to Haran to find a wife for Isaac, he looked for a girl who would show kindness both to humans and to animals. After Rebecca had drawn water for Eliezer and his men she immediately watered their camels. In Proverbs 12:10 we can read "A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal"

It’s very interesting that Jesus seemed to be around animals often, and He frequently used animals in His parables. It would appear that Jesus had animals on His mind. Jesus was born in a manger, which is a feeding trough for livestock, and was surrounded by animals. Isn’t it interesting that of all the places that Jesus potentially could have been born, that it was in a stable with the animals? The Bible says that when Jesus returns He will ride a white horse.

Will my dogs be waiting for me there? I firmly believe that God takes care of all his creation including the animals of this world. God included the animals in His covenant with Noah. In fact, each of the seven times He spoke of His covenant with Noah, He also included the animals. And the Apostle Paul wrote this…

Romans 8:19(KJV) … the lesser creatures await Christ's return to redeem the sons of God so they, too, will be released from physical death to eternal life.

GOD wouldn't allow pets to be banned from Heaven. After all, HE created them to be our companions in life, why would he separate us in death?"

Saturday, November 8, 2008


FOR THE WEEK OF Nov. 9 - Nov. 15, 2008

9th - Chuck Gagliano
11th - Cindi Barone
Ruby Whalen
12th - Carolyn Jackson
Annie Scott
13th - Phyllis Stillwell
15th - Brian Flannery
Carol Konigson

12th - Don & Mary Bauer
Ron & Pat Pendrick

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday & Anniversary

FOR THE WEEK OF Nov. 2—Nov. 8, 2008

Happy Anniversry!
4th – Gene & Pam Costa

Happy Birthday!
7th – Marlys Kopen

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Congratulations to Norvella Adkins, Chad Lipscomb & Jimmy Smith (tall guy) who was baptized in Gulf of Mexico at the celebration @ sunset service Oct. 26th.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Celebration Isn’t Political : by Pastor Lana

Election Day is next Tuesday and I encourage all of you to get out and vote. It’s your duty and obligation as a Christian and as a citizen. And that, folks, is the entire political message you’ll ever hear at Celebration! We do not endorse candidates, nor would we ever allow a candidate to speak from our pulpit. We even refuse to give out “voter guides.”

Jesus only gave us two commands--make disciples and baptize them. If you’ll recall, Jesus’ followers wanted to make Him a political figure but He refused to enter politics and instead told them to pray for their leaders and pay their taxes! Celebration is a place where everyone should be able to come and feel welcome—rich or poor, fat or thin, Democrats or Republicans. Politics is transient—the church is eternal. Our main function as a church is to win souls for Christ and help them find their purpose—that’s it.

This is why we will not be posting political views or allow that type of comment on the blogspot. At Celebration we need to be “one in the Spirit, one in Lord, and they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”

Monday, October 27, 2008

FOR THE WEEK OF Oct. 2 -- Nov. 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to:

29th - Mitzi Cobb
31st - Terri Milbourn
Nov. 1st Ellen Alvarado

Happy Anniversary to:

26th - John & Cindi Barone

Saturday, October 18, 2008

FOR THE WEEK OF Oct. 19--25, 2008

Happy Anniversary to:

19th – John & Sandra Estridge
20th – Pastor Gene & Annie Scott
21st – Larry & Marcia Vigus
25th – Kermit & Jean Moore

Happy Birthday to:

22nd – Pastor Gordie Mefford

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled -- John 14:1

… Your friends lost their house… The co-worker lost her job…The couple next door lost their retirementIt seems that everyone is losing their footing. This scares us. This bailout with billions. These rumblings of depression. These headlines: “Going Broke!” “Going Down!” “Going Under!” “What's Next?”

What is next? …a hedge fund manager said, This is worse than a divorce, I've lost half my net worth and I still have a wife". And now you know why the person who invests all your money is called a broker! There is a lot of fear in America right now.

So, in November, we are planning a special message series to help you out called…let not your Heart be troubled. How to cope with all the fear.

And I would like you to do something for me. Just click the comment box underneath and type in your greatest fear right now. You do not have to give a name. Just check the anonymous box.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Parking Woes

After a pretty much hurricane free summer (can you say Ike?), we are now getting ready for fall and our winter church family escaping from the chilling north to the balmy breezes of SW Florida. However, with the construction of a new parking garage, the closest parking is over a block away.

The Naples Women's club is wiling to rent us their parking lot for Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. The cost would be $300 a week. So, what do you think? Do we need the extra parking closer to the park? Do we just urge people to walk and park in the parking garage off 5th? ("If your walkin' your livin'). Leave me a comment and let me know if you think it is worth the extra expense.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Birthday & Anniversary

14thBill Bull
Tom Knack
16thDon & Joyce Chesser
18thMary Kenary


Why Not Communion On Sunday Morning?

Almost every time, when someone asks me what church am I pastor of, there is always a blank stare when I answer "Celebration Beach Church." And then, when I say, "It's the outdoor church." I get pretty much the same response. "Oh....'that church!" We are asked a lot of questions concerning Celebration Church. What do we do when it rains? Is that really the pastor? and this one..."Why don't you serve communion during the Sunday Morning church service?

We do believe in communion. Jesus never asked His disciples to remember His birth. But He did instruct them to remember His death and resurrection. He gave the church two visible symbols (called “ordinances”) as reminders of His death. These two ordinances are: Baptism and The Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper is an object lesson that represents a great spiritual truth for believers. Jesus never said when or how often believers should observe The Lord’s Supper. He instituted it on a Thursday night. Since it is a ‘supper’, it may seem more appropriate to observe it at an evening service.

Since our Sunday morning service is designed so you can bring your non-believing friends, (if we served the cup and bread, many of them would just think that we were scrimping on the snacks!) we only take The Lord’s Supper at our "Celebration At Sunset" service at Lowdermilk Beach park. That is when the Celebration family gathers for supper (usually fried chicken) and then Pastor Lana leads us in communion and we conclude that service with baptisms in the warm gulf waters at sunset.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Congratulations to Nathan and Melissa Greve who dedicated their son, Kody, at our Celebration @ Sunset service last Sunday night.

Congratulations to Lathan Hill and Shenandoah Webb who were baptized in the Gulf of Mexico last Sunday night, at our Celebration @ Sunset service.

Happy Birthday & Anniversary!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Rainy Days and Sundays

The #1 most asked question is not "Is that really the pastor?" No. The most asked question is, "What do you do when it rains?" And my answer is "We get wet!" I know, hilarious. Like that great Canadian joke... Hi, did you have a good Summer? - Yes indeed, we had a great picnic that afternoon!!! Or this one...One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?" The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't dear," she said. "I have to sleep in Daddy's room." A long silence was broken at last by a shaken little voice saying, "The big sissy."

Over the years, Celebration has been blessed with wonderful weather that can only be found here in paradise. During those few(very few) Sundays when it does rain, we still have worship. We are able to seat around 150+ underneath the (dry) Cambier park bandshell. But, believe it or not, we have had rainy Sundays where the bandshell was packed and people sat out in the rain under their umbrellas! (I mean, we sit in the rain for ball games all the time...why not church).

We never cancel church! We have had church during tornado warnings, high wind warnings, flash flood warnings, tropical storm warnings, and, of course, hurricane warnings! In fact, one of the best attended worship services was the Sunday before hurricane Wilma hit! Imagine that. The bible reminds us that "The rain falls on the just and the unjust" (Matthew 5). So that pretty much covers all of us. See you Sunday...rain or shine!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Brookes Legacy

This Sunday we are proud to have join with us at the morning worship service "Brookes Legacy". This volunteer organization is a 'no kill' pet placement agency here in Naples.

At any given moment they have over 100 pets available(or soon to be) for adoption. And adoption coordinators who are ready to help you find the perfect pet for your household.

If you love pets and what we do, and would like to help them with their mission, please consider, fostering, sponsoring, adopting, volunteering, or donating! Our rescued pets count on it. Have you got room in your home and heart for one of our special furry pets? There's a wagging tail or a purrfect purr and a ton of unconditional love waiting for you! TAKE A LOOK- we know there is one for you!!

For more information about adopting, volunteering,fostering or donating, you can email them at

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday & Anniversary!

Rock the Universe!

This morning our youth group left for Universal Studios and "Rock The Universe." They will have the opportunity to hear some of the best Christian music out there today, as well as making new friends from church youth groups from around the world.

Go HERE to see a larger version of this photo.

Additional photos of the trip are located HERE.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

P.E.A.C.E. P.L.A.N.

If you were in church over the Labor Day weekend, it probably wasn't what you were expecting. Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback church issued a challenge to all the churches of America to come up with a global peace plan and Celebration has risen to that challenge! When we started Celebration on the beach at Lowdermilk, those 12 people who came for that first service and the hundreds of you that come now every Sunday. We have this naples, lower latitude lifestyle, casual, jimmy buffet meets Jesus, environmentally positive, pet friendly outdoor worship experience as our part of being the Kingdom Of God. The coolest part of the kingdom I think, but that is why we are here. The Celebration P.E.A.C.E. Plan revolves around:

P – Plant a church

E – Equip the leaders

A – Assist the poor

C – Care for the sick

E – Educate the next generation

Do you know that we fully support three school/churches in the villages outside of Cap Haitian in Haiti? You pay the salaries of three full time teachers and the salaries of two pastors. You feed 700 children a day a nutritious meal. You have put roofs and built walls. We are paying the full tuition for a student from this village to become a nurse so that she can go back to her home and start a free clinic. This from a church that meets outdoors. If you want to know more, please contact our church office.

Radio Spots!

Beginning this Friday, Celebration will be running radio spots on WAV 101.1 They will run (9 each day) every Friday and Saturday during the month of September. So give them a listen and then blog on and give me your opinion.

Can't wait to hear them and to hear from you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Your Pet Friendly Church!

This is going to be our newspaper ad on Saturday, 8/30.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Congratulations Mike!

Congratulations to Mike Dotson,
who was baptized last Sunday night
in the Gulf of Mexico at the
Celebration @ Sunset service.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene

Hi everyone,

We have had several calls on how we weathered tropical storm Fay. Except for a few members who lost power, it seems that most of the church family got through it rather well. However, at our house, the storm did blow in a huge visitor from the everglades. This spider is in our front yard so, when you visit, remember your bug spray!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bad Girl!

Each Wednesday, we are continuing our bible study on bad girls of the Bible and someone asked me who I thought was the wickedest woman in the Bible. There were several names that came to mind, including Jezebel, Herodias, and Potiphar's wife. But I guess my vote would have to go to Athaliah. Who? (see, you need to spend at least one hour a week studying the bible!)

What did she do? Well, besides being Ahab’s and Jezebel’s daughter…

What she did was to kill all her grandsons, when her son died, so that she could take the throne for herself. 2 Kings 11:1 describes this killing. One of her grandsons escaped, because his aunt Jehosheba hid six-year-old Joash from his grandmother. Eventually, Jehoiada, the High Priest, brought young Joash forward as king, and had the wicked Athaliah killed.

The story is also told in 2 Chronicles 22-23.

Destroying your own grandsons, to further your own ambition, strikes me as about as evil a thing as one can do. I can't imagine any grandmother I know doing that, and it's hard to imagine any grandmother I don't know doing it, either.

I don't know who the wickedest woman in the Bible was, but Athaliah is a candidate, I guess.

And who said Wednesday Bible study is boring?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meet Our Featured Members!


How long have you been going to Celebration?

Anne- 9 years
John- 8 years

How did you find Celebration?

Anne- A friend told me about it.
John- My wife led me there

What is your ministry?

Anne- Many areas. Helping Hands and Hospitality.
John- Outreach

What about you would surprise us?

Anne- I once aspired to be a professional ballet dancer.
John- I have a beautiful singing voice. (I think so anyway)

Do you have any pet peeves?

Anne- Folks who do not say what they mean.
John- Undependable people.

What are your hobbies?

Anne- Gardening and environmental concerns.
John- Helping others and keeping the yard.

Favorite type of music?

Anne- Jazz.
John- Old time gospel music.

Favorite food?

Anne- Fried chicken.
John- Anything sweet.

Favorite movie?

Anne- The last one I saw. This time “Mama Mia”.
John- Any John Wayne movie.

Favorite book?

Anne- Any mystery.
John- The Bible.

Favorite Bible verse?

Anne- We love because God loved us first.
John- The first one I ever learned, “Jesus wept”.

What would you like us to know about you?

Anne- Mostly that I want to reflect God's love to all I come in contact with.
John- That I care about you.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Here is the Japanese Lords Prayer that was a part of this Sunday's message...

A Japanese author wrote his version of Psalm 23

“The Lord is my pacesetter, I shall not rush. He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals. He provides me with images of stillness, which restores my serenity. He leads me in the way of efficiency through calmness of mind. His guidance is peace. Even though I have a great many things to accomplish today, I will not fret. For His presence is here. His timelessness, His all importance will keep me in balance. He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity by anointing my mind with His oils of tranquility. My cup of joyous energy overflows. Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours for I shall walk in the pace of my Lord and dwell in His house forever.”

We Want Your Opinion!

This was our Saturday ad.

Do you agree or disagree?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mindless Rants

I received a very good book called “The Blogging Church; Sharing The Story Of Your Church Through Blogs.” The book included contributions from five of the most popular bloggers in the world. And it seems that one of the main reasons for a blog is that you have another avenue to share and for me to share right back with you. In other words, I am supposed to just go with the gut and rant on whatever is on my mind (and yours). So, 12 mindless rants (not hard for me) about Gene Scott of Celebration Community Beach Church.

  1. I consider my self a servant, nothing more or less. What I want people to know about me is that I am willing to pour my life into others. My #1 goal is to show you how to get from here to there.

  2. I am a Florida native (although thank goodness I have no accent). I grew up in the small gulf coastal town of Perry (famous for its pine trees and Stuckey signs)

  3. Except for attending seminary in New Orleans and Atlanta, I have lived my entire life in Florida. I mean, when you are already in Florida, why go any place else! I first came to Naples as a pastor of East Naples United Methodist Church.

  4. When I met Annie I knew that I had found my ideal woman. However, it took a while for Annie to say yes because she was waiting for her ideal man.

  5. Some people will say (my parents) that I became a minister so that I could talk in church and get away with it. But when it came to being called by God, I knew that it was the only thing that I must do in my life. There was no option. This is my S.H.A.P.E. I accepted the call for ministry at a church youth camp one summer. I worked my way as a youth minister through college (Florida A & M and Florida State University) and served as a student pastor while earning my Master of Divinity degree from Emory University. I also have a doctorate in Ministry (but don't tell anyone, I don't want to have to wear long pants!). I was a United Methodist Pastor for a lot of years.

  6. Three great sources for jokes; the Internet, your family, and the bathroom mirror. The sermon ideas come from you. I like to preach what I call ‘Readers Digest' sermons. That is why many of the sermon titles start out with ‘How to… beat worry, handle stress, etc.' The world does its best to beat you down each week. My goal is to fill you up so that you can make it through a few more days. That is why you will never hear a negative or judgmental message at Celebration church.

  7. I have three great sons who are also 3 great guys. Chad, Brian, and Curt. I also have two dogs..Sheemee the Princess & Shakh the mutt.

  8. I have been known to play golf once a year and enjoy saltwater fishing. My motto is, “If you will invite me to do it with you and pay for it,” that's my hobby.

  9. My mother taught me to love the Bible. My father taught me to love the church. Pastor Felix Parker taught me to love the ministry and Pastor Lareby Alligood taught me to love people. Annie (my wife) has taught me to love myself. There is not a day that goes by that someone does not influence me in some positive way.

  10. Other than marriage and the birth of my children, one of my great life changes was a seminar (remember I am always preaching against trying to change your life through a seminar). I drove to Atlanta Georgia to hear Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Valley Community Church. And there, for the first time, I think I truly understood what the purpose of the church was really for. I went back home, threw out every sermon I had ever preached, and began to learn the ministry once more from the ground up. Celebration Church is a result of that Purpose Driven seminar so many years ago.

  11. By far, my greatest satisfaction as Pastor is to bring new people into the Kingdom of God through Salvation. I will talk 24-7 about Salvation anytime, anywhere. My next greatest satisfaction is helping people journey from ‘never be' to ‘could be' to should be' and finally ‘must be.'

  12. Where I would like to see our church 5 years from now, does not involve a number. In 5 years I would like to see every member of Celebration Community Church serving as a minister…fulfilling the S.H.A.P.E. that God has given them and, in doing so, discovering real happiness, purpose, and significance in their life!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

So, after listening to today's message, you want to find out if you are smarter than a 5th grader? here are two different websites that offer tests that will grade you. Good luck (you will need it!).
Here they are..


Click here for 2nd Quiz

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Congratulations Pat!

Congratulations to Pat Titmas who was baptized in the Gulf of Mexico at the Celebration @ Sunset service last Sunday night!

Happy Birthday & Anniversary!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene

Hi everyone,

Several of you have asked if I had survived all the tests that they are running on me and so far so good. But I have learned that there is always ONE MORE TEST! "The feel good movie of the summer..'The Never ending Tests' starring Gene 'all you can eat buffett' Scott." The tests have found a blockage between my gall bladder and my pancreas. I never even knew that those two were connected. So, the bottom line looks like removing my gall bladder which they now can do at any 7-11.

Pastor Gene

Monday, July 21, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 20

I am writing this after a really tough weekend. In one night I developed pancreaticis, diviticulotis, and passed a kidney stone. So, just lying on my back, I had this idea. Why not place an ad in the paper with a convertible on the beach with the top down with the tag...welcome to a church that is topless! Of course Annie said no and this just shows what drugs can do to an already messed up mind.

Thanks to Pastor Lana and the entire Celebration team for another great service. I am sorry I wasn't there. So just keep me in your prayers and I will give out a progress report next week. Also, I hope that we can have a blog post soon from our Haiti mission trip.

Pastor Gene

Monday, July 14, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 14

Hello happy bloggers,

Another great summer service! We did not get a crowd count this Sunday (400+?) but some great connection card comments...

    "Drove by." --
    "Was at the Post Office across the street." --
    "Riding by and stopped and asked someone what was going on. "Church." I decided to stay. Enjoyed the service. A good way to start the day. God bless you all."

And as Pastor Lana put it.. "wasn't it wonderful that the rain held off until everything was picked up, packed up and gone?!"

By the way, I am writing this today (Monday) from my office away from the office in Central Florida. Check out the photo. One of the great things about starting a church is that you get to try things in a different way. Since the beginning of Celebration, I have wanted there to be an emphasis on the preaching and teaching. So, around four times a year, I just pack up and spend a few days doing just that. What am I working on this week? Well, a new message series I am calling "The only thing constant is change." Change is now the new buzz word but it is more than that. Just check out this weeks Time magazine with South Florida on the cover. Not quite sure the topics yet, but we need help in figuring out our place in the changes happening to all of us and all around us.

Also, I am pulling out a 2002 bible study on Bad Girls Of The Bible. Adding slightly bad girls, really bad girls and bad boys also to the mix so should turn out to be fun on Wednesdays. question for the week...
the connection cards show that the majority of first time church guests last week found Celebration by just "stopping by" and "Checking it out".

Should we take money spent on newspaper advertising and use it for banners and other high profile signs letting people know that this is a service in the park? Both? None? Other ideas? Let us know what you think on...the blogspot!!!!!

Pastor Gene

News and Announcements

There will be NO
celebration@7 Bible Study
at 7 PM until Aug. 6th.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 8

Greetings Everyone! ON A HOT HOLIDAY WEEKEND we had 417 in church! (With no church ad!) Thought the music was exceptional as always and noticed crowds not only around the hospitality table but around the 'Paws In The Park' table as well! 4 re-dedications to Christ and we got out on time!!!!

Good to see the red truck back. I only wish I had remembered to have Ann and John speak about the help we gave out last week. Someone please remind me next Sunday. Kudos to the Celebration Pit crew for handling a hot sweaty chore with a smile.

Be sure to check out our 4 legged friend's photos on the web site .

I love all you so much!!!!!
Pastor Gene

God's purpose for our lives is our JOY!

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pastor Gene @ Disney World!

Pastor Gene enjoyed his trip to Disney with Paul, Paula, Sivi, and Sophie Jarod. They are missionaries from Thailand and the girls were adopted from Cambodia. Celebration made it possible for them to enjoy a much needed day of relaxation at the Magic Kingdom.

Is this a good way to spend Heart ministry funds for
missionary family to enjoy a day at Disney World?
Let us know how you feel about this.