Sunday, December 7, 2008

Then Sings My Soul .... My deepest gratitude and thanks to Pastor Gene, Pastor Gordie and Pastors Sam and Bunny Sewell for making the dream of my ordination service last Sunday a reality. I'd like to express my thanks and appreciation to Pastor Harold Brown and North Naples United Methodist Church for the use of their chapel and fellowship hall. My thanks to Peter Marsh for his wonderful music that added so much to the service.

My appreciation and thanks to Joyce Chesser and all of our marvelous hospitality ladies for the lovely reception following thge service and to Pam Costa and Arlene Thompson for their great photographs, the videographer and recording the service.

I'd like to thank my wonderful church family for the cards, gifts, kind words, love and support you've given me. And a special thank you to those of you who came to witness and participate in my ordination and share my joy. This was truly a family affair and labor of love that I'll carry in my heart forever.

Pastor Lana

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