Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Parking Woes

After a pretty much hurricane free summer (can you say Ike?), we are now getting ready for fall and our winter church family escaping from the chilling north to the balmy breezes of SW Florida. However, with the construction of a new parking garage, the closest parking is over a block away.

The Naples Women's club is wiling to rent us their parking lot for Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. The cost would be $300 a week. So, what do you think? Do we need the extra parking closer to the park? Do we just urge people to walk and park in the parking garage off 5th? ("If your walkin' your livin'). Leave me a comment and let me know if you think it is worth the extra expense.


Anonymous said...

Why does the Women's club want to charge a non-denominational Community Church?

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to have a guaranteed parking spot every Wednesday instead of having to fight over parking with those wishing to attend 5th events.

Anonymous said...

$300.00 per WEEK! That's a lot of money. I think that people can benefit from the walk. Remember, walking is good for you!
Of course, if walking is an issue, people can park in the handicapped parking spaces.

Anonymous said...

With the situation with our church's income as it is....perhaps the money for parking might be spent better helping out the community's needs. So that Celebration would be recognized as a valuable asset to our community.

Anonymous said...

Celebration Church is an asset to the community...lets spread the joy!

Anonymous said...

Walking is fine by me...

Anonymous said...

I don't mind walking and $300 per week is way too much. I agree the money would be better spent in the community.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that parking could possibly end up a concern for the church members especially with season coming. I mentioned the parking option to the church body & the people made a choice that the cost was to much. I don't agree or disagree & I'm sorry that it didn't work out as I had hoped for; everyone.

Anonymous said...

You have spoken! We will not rent the parking lot and have moved the Wednesday night bible study to the Lake Avelon community center where there is plenty of FREE parking!