Saturday, October 11, 2008


Why Not Communion On Sunday Morning?

Almost every time, when someone asks me what church am I pastor of, there is always a blank stare when I answer "Celebration Beach Church." And then, when I say, "It's the outdoor church." I get pretty much the same response. "Oh....'that church!" We are asked a lot of questions concerning Celebration Church. What do we do when it rains? Is that really the pastor? and this one..."Why don't you serve communion during the Sunday Morning church service?

We do believe in communion. Jesus never asked His disciples to remember His birth. But He did instruct them to remember His death and resurrection. He gave the church two visible symbols (called “ordinances”) as reminders of His death. These two ordinances are: Baptism and The Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper is an object lesson that represents a great spiritual truth for believers. Jesus never said when or how often believers should observe The Lord’s Supper. He instituted it on a Thursday night. Since it is a ‘supper’, it may seem more appropriate to observe it at an evening service.

Since our Sunday morning service is designed so you can bring your non-believing friends, (if we served the cup and bread, many of them would just think that we were scrimping on the snacks!) we only take The Lord’s Supper at our "Celebration At Sunset" service at Lowdermilk Beach park. That is when the Celebration family gathers for supper (usually fried chicken) and then Pastor Lana leads us in communion and we conclude that service with baptisms in the warm gulf waters at sunset.


Anonymous said...

I now understand why communion is not on Sunday morning but I think there are more people than you realize who are there on Sunday morning and would like like communion served during the morning service.

Anonymous said...

You advertise that Bible study can be heard on your website. Where is it?

Anonymous said...

We no longer record the Wednesday Bible study due to the large crowds attending. I am sorry that the information on our homepage is incorrect. But, if there is enough of a demand, we can, and will record the Wednesday bible studies once again.