Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 8

Greetings Everyone! ON A HOT HOLIDAY WEEKEND we had 417 in church! (With no church ad!) Thought the music was exceptional as always and noticed crowds not only around the hospitality table but around the 'Paws In The Park' table as well! 4 re-dedications to Christ and we got out on time!!!!

Good to see the red truck back. I only wish I had remembered to have Ann and John speak about the help we gave out last week. Someone please remind me next Sunday. Kudos to the Celebration Pit crew for handling a hot sweaty chore with a smile.

Be sure to check out our 4 legged friend's photos on the web site .

I love all you so much!!!!!
Pastor Gene


Anonymous said...

It is so good to see "Biscuit" the dog featured in the photo. Alan's dog will be 17 years next month and has been attending Celebration for ocer 6 years!

Anonymous said...

I am very disappointed that there will be no Wednesday night Bible study for the next 3 weeks. Study of the Bible is critical to Christian growth. Sunday morning services are wonderful as "feel good" services that help you deal with everyday issues but Wednesday night Bible Study is where the rubber meets the road. God's words in the Bible are not suggestions. They are commands that must be followed in order to have spirtual growth.

Anonymous said...

I agree totally. If I had to choose doing a message each week or bible study, I would choose the bible study hands down! Unfortunately, when you do not have a church facility, you have to rely on rented facilities. The girl scout building will not be available to us again until after July. We tried meeting in the church office, but it was too many people for such a limited space.

Anonymous said...

I love the four legged friends link on the blog. What a great idea, bringing your pets with you to church! Is there a problem with barking, etc?

Anonymous said...

Actually there isn't! I have thought about this a lot. I think that animals are very sensitive to the spiritual world around us...much more than we are. I feel that they sense the presence of angels and the Spirit Of God Himself walking among the trees in the cool of the morning service.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I know this is an old blog but if you ever read this Alan, just want to say HI! Glad to see Biscuit and you are doing well. I hope to be able to start going back to church soon. I had a job that interfeard but I can't let it anymore....ALOHA!!!

Paula(not sure if you remember me :) )