Thursday, July 31, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene

Hi everyone,

Several of you have asked if I had survived all the tests that they are running on me and so far so good. But I have learned that there is always ONE MORE TEST! "The feel good movie of the summer..'The Never ending Tests' starring Gene 'all you can eat buffett' Scott." The tests have found a blockage between my gall bladder and my pancreas. I never even knew that those two were connected. So, the bottom line looks like removing my gall bladder which they now can do at any 7-11.

Pastor Gene


Anonymous said...

If prayers can help you and your Dr. , and we know that they can, you are sittng on easy street!
Thanks for letting us know what you are going tho....

Anonymous said...

I know that Pastor Gene is making this very serious situation seem less than it is, and I know that he must be a lot sicker than he is letting us believe, so I will add my prayers for him and his family.