Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meet Our Featured Members!


How long have you been going to Celebration?

Anne- 9 years
John- 8 years

How did you find Celebration?

Anne- A friend told me about it.
John- My wife led me there

What is your ministry?

Anne- Many areas. Helping Hands and Hospitality.
John- Outreach

What about you would surprise us?

Anne- I once aspired to be a professional ballet dancer.
John- I have a beautiful singing voice. (I think so anyway)

Do you have any pet peeves?

Anne- Folks who do not say what they mean.
John- Undependable people.

What are your hobbies?

Anne- Gardening and environmental concerns.
John- Helping others and keeping the yard.

Favorite type of music?

Anne- Jazz.
John- Old time gospel music.

Favorite food?

Anne- Fried chicken.
John- Anything sweet.

Favorite movie?

Anne- The last one I saw. This time “Mama Mia”.
John- Any John Wayne movie.

Favorite book?

Anne- Any mystery.
John- The Bible.

Favorite Bible verse?

Anne- We love because God loved us first.
John- The first one I ever learned, “Jesus wept”.

What would you like us to know about you?

Anne- Mostly that I want to reflect God's love to all I come in contact with.
John- That I care about you.


Anonymous said...

John and Anne are two of the many reasons we enjoy this outdoor park. I never really knew much about them. I will go up to them Sunday and share myself with them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you both for everything you do, for everyone you meet!