Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pastor Gene @ Disney World!

Pastor Gene enjoyed his trip to Disney with Paul, Paula, Sivi, and Sophie Jarod. They are missionaries from Thailand and the girls were adopted from Cambodia. Celebration made it possible for them to enjoy a much needed day of relaxation at the Magic Kingdom.

Is this a good way to spend Heart ministry funds for
missionary family to enjoy a day at Disney World?
Let us know how you feel about this.


native said...

You have to admit this church thinks outside the box. I bet there are a lot of missionaries who would love a day at Disney for some much needed r and r!

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding like a killjoy, I do not think that we should be spending what limited funds we have in our Heart ministry funds on trips to amusement parks.
In such hard economic times as these, many local people in our community are struggling. Due to unemployment and/or a myriad of other reasons, they can barely provide food, electricity, and basic medical care for themselves and their families.
I believe our Heart funds should be spent on issues such as these.

Let's feed people before we amuse them.

Anonymous said...

Celebration is a strong help for local folks that have fallen on hard times. But our resources are very limited at this time. A careful look at what we want to be our Purpose in out reach is needed. Once that has been determined...then we can make the choices necessary to carry out God's plan for our church.

Anonymous said...

Is there a way that those of us who contribute to the church can see exactly how the money we give is spent?