Monday, July 21, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 20

I am writing this after a really tough weekend. In one night I developed pancreaticis, diviticulotis, and passed a kidney stone. So, just lying on my back, I had this idea. Why not place an ad in the paper with a convertible on the beach with the top down with the tag...welcome to a church that is topless! Of course Annie said no and this just shows what drugs can do to an already messed up mind.

Thanks to Pastor Lana and the entire Celebration team for another great service. I am sorry I wasn't there. So just keep me in your prayers and I will give out a progress report next week. Also, I hope that we can have a blog post soon from our Haiti mission trip.

Pastor Gene


Anonymous said...


We love and appreciate you. We pray that you will have a quick recovery. We pray that God will give you the strength to stay on a good diet so that you can keep some of your health issues under control. The Church and the community of Naples need you around for many years and so does God. You are doing God's work so take care of yourself.

No, Annie did not tell me to write this. Don't you just love this blog page so you can get anonymous advice? Consider the advice out of love and concern.

Anonymous said...

Even though diet is just the word die with a t, i will be making some drastic dietary changes.