Monday, December 29, 2008

Helping Hands Ministry Update

I just want to say how full my heart is from the generous giving from you during a difficult financial season. Not only did we sell ALL calendars/CD packets which raised $1500 for additional Christmas giving, but also the thousand dollars spent (if not more) through our helping hands ministry and 8000 meals for children through our Haitian mission ministry. And we had families who 'adopted' other families in need and provided trees, food and gifts! Well Gene, where was the money spent? How did we help? Just to list a few...

  1. Providing money for steel toed work boots and clothing to help someone start in a new job
  2. Two single parent families with children receiving everything they need for Christmas including food and gifts.
  3. Numerous families helped with money for mortgage/rent payments during December.
  4. Paying for an apartment so a family could be near their new born baby that had to spend time in a Children's Hospital out of town.
  5. WAL-MART gift cards
  6. PUBLIX gift cards
  7. Gas for chemotherapy trips from Naples to Tampa.
  8. And lots of food from our food pantry.

And, be sure to ask John & Anne Raker about our successful 'Food In The Fields' program. These are just a few examples. One thing that I have learned is this. Celebration Church truly believes in helping those that are less fortunate or in need. In many of these cases during December, I found myself thinking..."There, but by the Grace of God goes I." So thank you and know that when you help in Christ's name...

"whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ, I say unto you, you shall not lose your reward."

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