Saturday, October 18, 2008

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled -- John 14:1

… Your friends lost their house… The co-worker lost her job…The couple next door lost their retirementIt seems that everyone is losing their footing. This scares us. This bailout with billions. These rumblings of depression. These headlines: “Going Broke!” “Going Down!” “Going Under!” “What's Next?”

What is next? …a hedge fund manager said, This is worse than a divorce, I've lost half my net worth and I still have a wife". And now you know why the person who invests all your money is called a broker! There is a lot of fear in America right now.

So, in November, we are planning a special message series to help you out called…let not your Heart be troubled. How to cope with all the fear.

And I would like you to do something for me. Just click the comment box underneath and type in your greatest fear right now. You do not have to give a name. Just check the anonymous box.


Anonymous said...

I am probably loosing my job, all my children are grown and moved on recently ( not makeing the best of decisions of course. at least better then my were :))

However my worst fear is I've missed my calling and want to live for GOD, go to a good christian based college and go and spread the gospel, help those that are worse off then I ever have been or will be.

My worst fear is I just don't know phow to do this. I pray, people approuch me out of nowhere it seems and pray over me, or just seem to know I'm a Christian. I know I've been called but have gotton distracted/off it too late?!

My worst fear.....

Anonymous said...

I worry too about losing my job and how I would care for my family but my greatest fear is losing one of my children or my husband. I think I often spend too much time worrying about the small things and when my life comes to an end I will be filled with regret. I want to become a better mother, wife, friend, neighbor before life passes me by but I am too afraid "to get in the game". Fear of rejection and low self esteem hold me back. How can I become the person I am meant to be with all the fear that restrains me...

Anonymous said...

I fear pain...

Anonymous said...

I know that I am a Christian but I still fear death. In fact, I think about dying every day!

Anonymous said...

I have a great fear of losing my job and at my age not really being able to start all over again.

Anonymous said...

I worry about dying. It terrifies me. I'm afraid of leaving my loved ones behind. I want to be here to see my children and grandchildren grow. I am also worried that I may not go to heaven. With all that I have sinned, I am afraid of how the lord will judge me.

Anonymous said...

I thought it might have been just me but I do worry about dying even though I am a Christian.

Anonymous said...

I fear that I will be all alone for the rest of my life; that I will never meet anyone to share my life with. I am so lonely.

Anonymous said...

My greatest fear is rejection. I fear that I will never find anyone who would love me and let me love them back.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 fears the first is for the future of our country, so much hate, violence, crime and moral values declining. Second is that my husband is not a true believer. He believes in a supreme being but not in Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Well my husband has lost his job, we have no income, unemployment is "backed up" and we have to wait.. we visit the food bank,the phones are shut off computer too, the man from the electric comp. showed up and yes they still bang on the front door..the car is next...But God, my favorite line. Our greatest fear is not serving our Lord...Being able to help others...But God...We can pray and thank Him for our life in Him...praise Him for all things and get up every morning because His mercies are new! Yet will I praise HIM>>>> His Child CP

Anonymous said...

Wow! After reading these comments, my fear seems so small. But for me, it is very real! I fear that I am inadequate in every way and let everyone down.

Anonymous said...

I fear I will not have anyone to
take care of me if I get sick or
have a stroke. I am very lonely.
I am so alone.

Anonymous said...

After bible study, I fear not being taken to heaven when Jesus returns.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is the answer to all our needs..To every fear posted...We must believe... trust and never loose Hope...He loves you. He loves me, no matter the circumstance...."I have loved you with an everlasting Love"..."He puts all our tears in a bottle" "He remembers us"

Anonymous said...

I fear what will happen to our country no matter who gets elected/

Anonymous said...

I am scared I am not making the right decision by leaving my husband. I know divorce is a sin, but surely there are times when it needs to happen.
My parents are not sure I am doing the right thing. This makes me sad. They are worried about how the children and I are going to survive finacially. They also do not fully trust my decisions, but they don't know how bad things really are because I haven't told them.
It's a scary time for me.

Anonymous said...

I fear that God will not forgive me.

Anonymous said...

I fear going through a divorce and losing my kids.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid...really sometimes I have trouble sleeping, afraid that the end of the world is happening. I am afraid to even watch the news!

Anonymous said...

I fear for my children and their future. Even after college, will they be able to get a job, live on their own and have a family? How can they pay off student loans if the only jobs available are receptionist or wait staff? With three kids, I can't afford to pay 100% of their college. How much does McDonald's pay?

Anonymous said...

I fear that my kids will keep my grandkids away from me

Anonymous said...

I am terrified for the future of the country and the matter who gets elected!

Anonymous said...

I have just received some bad medical news. I know that I am in God's hands and that if anything happens to me, I will be with my Savior in heaven. But what about my family? How can I leave my wife knowing what she will have to face?

Anonymous said...

I am 63 years old and have to find a job....this is very frightening plus how will I handle this physically?

Anonymous said...

I have a fear of not doing God's will in my life...getting to heaven and finding out that God id mad at me.

Anonymous said...

I fear that I will not be able to hold my family together during the holidays. There is so many hard feelings and bitterness.

Anonymous said...

I am old now, and alone.

I am lonely and feel so unneeded and "out of it" This is truly a couples world.

I feel that I am just marking time, waiting to die.

My biggest fear is that in the next life, I am not sure there will be reunions with my loved ones, and that they are gone forever.

Anonymous said...

Since you are talking about helping a friend who is dying, could you also talk about how to help a friend who's marriage has collapsed and how to help a friend who is depressed? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Those are two great message suggestions. I will work on them.

Anonymous said...

I have a fear that when I get to heaven, everyone will be named Anonymous & also that while on Earth, I will not be able to over come my fears before I die

Anonymous said...

I fear that the world will destroy itself...that it could happen at any time!

Anonymous said...

The Bible says to be aware of false prophets. Sometimes I am kind of gullible and worry about not being able to recognize the fake from the real. Seems silly compared to others' problems, but it is whaat it is.

Anonymous said...

My worst fear is that I have lived a life "domesticated" and now that I am in my 60's I am afraid that I will continue to do so rather than live the life I have been given to live and that I will die without grace and alone.