Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Eve Service

Wow! What an amazing Christmas Eve service!
78 degrees at sunset (and what a beautiful sunset) over 3500 people packed into Lowdermilk park and the beaches. The glow of thousands of candles and voices lifting up to the starry sky and singing 'Silent Night.'

Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who helped make this possible. From the trolley greeters to the living nativity to Saint Nicholas to the candle and program crew to the signing to the photographers to the singers and band to the security crew to the chair crew to the...well you get the picture! And what a wonderful article in the Naples Daily News!

Any suggestions for next year? Leave a comment on the blog.


Anonymous said...

The Christmas Eve service was wonderful but those in my party were dissapointed that Pastor Gene did not play a bigger role.

Anonymous said...

I agree...we come to hear pastor Gene.

Anonymous said...

The service was nice, but it was too long. It shouldn't run longer than an hour AT THE MOST. And it would be so nice to hear more traditional Christms Carols, not just a few all jammed up into a tropical sing along thing.
I think most people really love the old songs like O Little Town of Bethlehem, Coventry Carol,etc. And remember, a lot of people that don't regularly go to your church may not have knwon some of the songs that you did.

This is just my opinion, of course, but I noticed that someone else mentioned something similar in the Naples Daily News article about the service so I'm not the only person who thinks this.