Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Congratulations Mike!

Congratulations to Mike Dotson,
who was baptized last Sunday night
in the Gulf of Mexico at the
Celebration @ Sunset service.


Anonymous said...

Could someone tell me why there was no sermon Sunday? I felt like my needs were not met with Christmas music!

Anonymous said...

If you are a member of this church, you put up with, and are faithful, in all kinds of weather, sitting on cheap uncomfortable metal chairs. Outdoors with all the planes and car alarms and leaf blowers. Why? So that there can be a church setting that anyone can attend. A church that is easy to come to, where you can slip in and slip out. You put up with all this so that the needs of others can be met. I hope that their needs and your needs can both be met here at Celebration, but guess who’s needs come first? By the way, did you notice how many people we had here last Sunday for the concert?