Monday, June 15, 2009

Pastor Gene AND ANNIE'S Summer Vacation - Part 2

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I am changing the title of this daily blog to Pastor Gene AND ANNIE'S Summer Vacation, Part Two. Annie once again gave me 'it's always about you speech' and 'I am on vacation with you too.' I think she is still a little sensitive from that 'big target' remark I made earlier. Oh well. This will be the blog for Sunday (since I had to endure an ENTIRE DAY with no internet/cell phone access!). And since it was Sunday, we visited the St. John In The Woods Church at Flat Rock. This church was founded in 1833 and is so beautiful. VERY TRADITIONAL!

So, why there? Because, even though it was pretty much the opposite of Celebration Church (which we missed very much but I know that Pastor Lana hit it out of the park) it was a reminder to all of us that it takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people. Whether the park or the mountains, we all worship one God, one Saviour, One Faith.

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