Friday, June 19, 2009

Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation - Part 6

Hi everyone,

This is Annie. I would love to share all of the humorous events that have happened over the last several days. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time or space on this blog, so I’ll limit myself to one or two.

First of all, you need to ask yourself, “How is Gene doing with the numerous hiking trails?” Not well in case you can’t figure that out. This is the only exercise Gene will get for the entire year. He claims he can’t keep up because of the thin air and having altitude sickness. Riiiight.

Now, imagine Gene hiking in the same outfit that he wears to Church on Sunday. Funny thought isn’t it? Next set of questions should be: Did Gene know he was going to be hiking on vacation? (Yes) Does Gene own hiking boots? (Yes) Did Gene pack hiking boots? (No, he claims that they are heavy) Would Gene be able to keep up if he was wearing hiking boots? (Probably not) Would Gene slip on rocks and tear his shorts if he was wearing hiking boots? (not likely but in his sandals it happened on a daily basis.) Would all the park rangers laugh at Gene if he was wearing hiking boots? (No)

When we stop for trail information, the park rangers look at Gene and laugh, then tell him that the trail is not a good idea. The following photos says it all.

Here’s hoping that Gene gets back to Naples with his one pair of shorts intact.



Pam said...

Thanks for the daily report - I am enjoying it immensely. Nice to hear from your point of view, Annie. Great pictures! Glad to hear you are enjoying your adventure.
Blessings, Pam Costa

Anonymous said...

Annie...great blog. Please bring Pastor Gene back alive!