Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation - The Last Post

Hi everyone,

Well, this is the last of the vacation blogs. Sad isn't it? I mean, now we will have to return to Naples! Actually it was an amazing week but it will be good to get back. Our last day of vacation was spent in Mt. Airy North Carolina...or as we know it...Mayberry! We rode in Barney's squad car and ate at the Blue Bird diner. Rascal Flatts sings a moving song called "Return To Mayberry." So, as we head back to paradise, I l leave you with the words to that song...

(well)I miss mayberry Sitting on the porch drinking ice-cold cherry Coke
Where everything is black and white
Picking on a six string
Where people pass by and you call them by their first name
Watching the clouds roll by
Bye, bye
Sometimes I can hear this old earth shouting
Through the trees as the wind blows
That’s when I climb up here on this mountain
To look through God’s window
Now I can’t fly
But I got two feet that get me high up here
Above the noise and city streets
My worries disappear
Sometimes I dream I’m driving down an old dirt road
Not even listed on a map
I pass a dad and son carrying a fishing pole
But I always wake up every time I try to turn back


Susan said...

Gene and Annie,
Thank you for taking the time out of your deserved vacation to post this daily vacation blog. With 90 plus temps all this week, I could cool off by looking at the beautiful photos and almost feeling the cool spray from the waterfalls. I pray that you will have a safe journey home to hot SW Florida!

Anonymous said...

Just found these posts...they are hilarious!
Thanks for taking me on a wonderful mental vacation....

Anonymous said...

great vacation time please take me with you!