Monday, June 8, 2009


Join Celebration Singles Tuesday 6/9/2009
@ 6:30 pm
Pinchers Crab Shack
Tin City

What is GoFish?

God Ordained
Fresh – Single Adults: 20s
Innovators- Single Adults: 30s
Survivors- Single Adults: 40s
Heroes- Single Adults over 50

By expressing your interest at

Send your name, mailing information, phone numbers and email address to register. Information will remain confidential.

The vision of GoFish Singles Ministry is to form an environment in which single adults can find a sense of community and have the security of knowing that being single does not have to mean being alone. To accomplish this vision GoFish Singles Ministry is structured to provide Godly activities through a technology based delivery system which will be the foundation block by which single adult members can:

  • Connect with other single adults Christian in the church through ministry, social and networking events hosted by GoFish.

  • Serve as an outreach to single adults in our community in need of a loving and caring church home or collaborative singles fellowship through targeted singles events.

  • Provide evangelistic opportunities to reach un-churched single adults in a relaxed environment.

  • Four components have been identified as foundation blocks for sustaining this outreach to single adult members of Celebration Community Beach Church as follows; online Christian singles community, targeted singles ministry events, social and networking events.

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