Monday, June 22, 2009

James' Speaking Debut

We all are blessed every Sunday by James’ wonderful singing voice. This morning we were blessed by his message, “Why Me Lord? A Sermon To Myself.”

James spoke of our spiritual leadership role to our children, of using the gifts God has given us and by listening to the lessons others, especially our children, can teach us. Because James was willing to be used by God by stepping outside of his comfort zone of singing and sharing his God-given gift of speaking, we were all blessed.

The standing ovation he received was in praise of an awesome God whose glory shines through those who are willing to be used by Him. The words on today’s Connection Card summed it up nicely: “James rocks!”

Pastor Lana

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation - The Last Post

Hi everyone,

Well, this is the last of the vacation blogs. Sad isn't it? I mean, now we will have to return to Naples! Actually it was an amazing week but it will be good to get back. Our last day of vacation was spent in Mt. Airy North Carolina...or as we know it...Mayberry! We rode in Barney's squad car and ate at the Blue Bird diner. Rascal Flatts sings a moving song called "Return To Mayberry." So, as we head back to paradise, I l leave you with the words to that song...

(well)I miss mayberry Sitting on the porch drinking ice-cold cherry Coke
Where everything is black and white
Picking on a six string
Where people pass by and you call them by their first name
Watching the clouds roll by
Bye, bye
Sometimes I can hear this old earth shouting
Through the trees as the wind blows
That’s when I climb up here on this mountain
To look through God’s window
Now I can’t fly
But I got two feet that get me high up here
Above the noise and city streets
My worries disappear
Sometimes I dream I’m driving down an old dirt road
Not even listed on a map
I pass a dad and son carrying a fishing pole
But I always wake up every time I try to turn back

Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation - Part 7

Hi everyone

It has now come to an end. This afternoon we turned off of the Blue Ridge Parkway for the last time to the town of Mt. Airy (Mayberry...more on that tomorrow). We have now driven all of the parkway from North Carolina to just over the Virginia line. When we try to arrive at certain destinations, did we ignore the beautiful view during the journey? one philosophist said: our beginning and destination are all the same-from birth to death, what makes the differences are the view during our journey. From today, I want to enjoy my view on the journey, no matter where is my destination, there is also something beautiful worthy to explore….

The photos are from Grandfather Mountain. We were up there during a storm with measured wind gusts of over 60 miles an hour! It was fantastic. Here is a nice poem about Grandfather Mountain…enjoy.

Grandfather Mountain

Beyond green grassy, sunlit plains
Over fields in flowers tiled,
Past wooded valleys and their swirling mists,
Across rivers both tame and wild
There stands a mountain great and tall,
A mountain firm and strong
Old and grand it proudly sits
Forever singing its song:
Long, long have I laid here
Holding high in the palms of my hands
Forests and animals, brooks and caves
Beautiful, thriving lands.
Aged am I now, but a father shall I stay
To my children dear and many.
For generations more shall I guard them close,
Their provider and sanctuary."
And faithfully does it tower, this mighty mountain
Mindful of its committed role -
A grandfather, in all his wisdom and joy
With thanksgiving and remembrance his goal.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation - Part 6

Hi everyone,

This is Annie. I would love to share all of the humorous events that have happened over the last several days. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time or space on this blog, so I’ll limit myself to one or two.

First of all, you need to ask yourself, “How is Gene doing with the numerous hiking trails?” Not well in case you can’t figure that out. This is the only exercise Gene will get for the entire year. He claims he can’t keep up because of the thin air and having altitude sickness. Riiiight.

Now, imagine Gene hiking in the same outfit that he wears to Church on Sunday. Funny thought isn’t it? Next set of questions should be: Did Gene know he was going to be hiking on vacation? (Yes) Does Gene own hiking boots? (Yes) Did Gene pack hiking boots? (No, he claims that they are heavy) Would Gene be able to keep up if he was wearing hiking boots? (Probably not) Would Gene slip on rocks and tear his shorts if he was wearing hiking boots? (not likely but in his sandals it happened on a daily basis.) Would all the park rangers laugh at Gene if he was wearing hiking boots? (No)

When we stop for trail information, the park rangers look at Gene and laugh, then tell him that the trail is not a good idea. The following photos says it all.

Here’s hoping that Gene gets back to Naples with his one pair of shorts intact.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation Part 5 and WebWord for Wednesday June 17th, 2009

Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks for the emails and text messages about how much you are enjoying the travel blogs. You can leave a comment at the end of every blog as well. This blog will also be our weekly bible study because when we pulled onto the Blue Ridge Parkway this morning, we were met with clouds, fog, and rain. You can see from the photos it was really beautiful but, at the entrance to the parkway were these huge flashing signs saying…”All Florida tourists go home!” No. Just kidding. They were flashing…SLOW DOWN! And so I did…to about 5 miles an hour. The cars behind me just loved it! But, that brings us to what is consistently voted as the most favorite chapter in the Bible of people in America. The 23rd Psalm. We’re going to look at God’s Road to Rest and how you and I can experience it through the incredible truths in this Psalm.

As I read through Psalm 23 several times this week I was immediately impressed with how it spoke to the reasons why you and I can’t find rest … why it is so hard to just respond to the flashing sign and just slow down! All the barriers in our lives. I was also impressed as I read it as how easily I (and I’d guess some of you too) how easily many of us miss the real point of this Psalm. We don’t really see it - as familiar as it is - the real point of what he’s talking about.

To show you what I’m talking about, as an illustration, I went through the 23rd Psalm and wrote a Collier County version of the 23rd Psalm. I’d like to read that for you:

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want.
The Lord is my supplier, I tell Him what I want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He gives me green pastures to run around in.

He leads me beside quiet waters.
He takes me down life’s rapids.

He restores my soul.
He superenergized my soul.

He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
His path for me is often not clear but I’ll follow it if I find it.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
He will help me to avoid the valley of suffering because God knows I would be afraid.

You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies.
You provide a fast food meal as I’m running from my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil.
You drip a tiny drop of oil on my head.

My cup overflows.
My cup is almost full.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Although I may face heartache and loneliness all my life I hope to make it to heaven where I can finally rest.

That’s a Collier County version. That’s our Americanized version. That may be your version. There’s something deeper in this Psalm. The greatest confidence in God than I’ve ever experienced and you’ve ever experienced. It’s an incredible Psalm. The reason why it’s the most popular chapter. It’s not that it’s sentimental. Maybe it is for some. But the reason why this is the most popular chapter in America is it’s powerful. It has something to say. It has the power to change your life. “The Lord is my shepherd…”

The Lord is your shepherd, you’re a sheep. This is where we get messed up right from the very beginning. We want Jesus to be the good shepherd. But we want to be the sheep dog. We want to chase all the other sheep and tell them where to go. That’s what we want to be. We don’t want to be the sheep. The Bible does not compare us to a sheep dog. The Bible doesn’t compare us to a roaring lion. The Bible doesn’t compare us to a tiger. The Bible compares us to a sheep. It’s hard to admit. The Greek word for sheep is d-u-m-b. They are dumb animals. We want to be sleek. We want to be suave. We want to be God’s gift to the world but we are sheep.

Can you imagine a sheep saying, “I am the master of my universe!” like we try to say. It doesn’t work. We are sheep. That means we are dependent. When I can admit that then I can recognize how deeply I need a shepherd. Sheep need a shepherd. Without a shepherd they won’t survive. Sheep cannot be left without care. To be confident as a sheep I must stay close to the shepherd. The Bible says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.

Circle “makes me.” He doesn’t allow me to lie down in green pastures. It’s interesting that the Bible says He makes me lie down. There’s something to that in what we need. There’s something in all of us when we think about green pastures. Wouldn’t you like to be in a green pasture, where you’re just there and it’s green and you’re rested? You just get that picture of it’s just so restful.

But we can’t handle green pastures. We don’t know what to do with them when they come into our lives. We can’t handle them. We get a green pasture in our lives and we go, “Where’s the lawn mower? I’ve got to get this thing mowed.” We get a green pasture in our lives and we say to ourselves, “How can I make this thing even more fruitful? Maybe a little fertilizer and it’ll produce more. I’ll make it a better green pasture than it is.” We get a green pasture in our lives and you know what some of us think. We think, “I don’t deserve this. Why should I have this? I feel guilty being in this green pasture.” Or even worse. Worse of all. We get a green pasture in our lives and we look around and think, “I think his pasture is a little greener than mine is. Just little greener. Why isn’t mine that green?” We don’t know how to handle green pastures.

“He makes me lie down in green pastures.” If you’re going to lie down in the green pasture of God’s abundance, we’re going to have to learn to accept and enjoy the places of abundance that God puts into your life. Not feel guilty. Sure you don’t deserve it. That’s grace. Not feel like you have to rush past them. But to accept and enjoy those places of abundance.

What I’m saying to you is, Stop running in place in green pastures. Instead, take a minute to lie down, to enjoy God’s abundance. Recognize it’s His alone. “He makes me lie down in green pastures.”

How about the last few lines of the Psalm. “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” When you’re unsure about your future, renew your view of God’s future. Surely – certainly – goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.

Just look to Jesus Christ and say to Him, “Lord, You are my shepherd. I shall not be in want.” Then pray to Him with confidence, “You make me lie down in green pastures. You lead me to drink the riches of Your life. You restore my soul. Although I will walk through the valley of suffering, You will be with me. You will protect me from my enemies and even from myself. You prepare a table of victory in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with refreshing oil. My cup overflows. Certainly goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pastor Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation - Part 4

Hi everyone,

Today is Tuesday and that means .... blueberry yum-yum night! That's right. I just had this delicious North Carolina confection at a Christian themed restaurant called "The Shepherd's Table." And what would a travel blog be without mentioning food.

Needless to say, I am eating my way along the Blue Ridge Parkway and what a delicious ride it is! Grilled trout, bar-b-que in all of it's forms, fried chicken, chicken & dumplings, made from scratch bisquits and cornbread and salad. OK, the last item was just a joke. /div>

The first photo is proof that we ate at the highest restaurant east of the Mississippi on top of Mt. Mitchell (watched a cool storm blow through while up there...check out the view behind Annie) and, believe it or not, the other photo is ANNIE'S plate of food at the Pisgah Inn! (I just had the salad...).

Pastor Gene

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pastor Gene and Annie's Summer Vacation - Part 3

Hi everyone,

Today is Monday and I ate some amazing food (but more on that for Tuesday's blog). But, besides eating, I also did something today that was inspiring. I got up to see the sunrise! Yes I did! The photo is about an hour before sunrise on the Blue Ridge. My brain kept asking..."Is it Easter already?" It was amazing but I still believe that a sunrise is just a sunset in reverse so just sleep in. But I am glad that I did and lived this verse this morning ..."The heavens declare the glory of God!"

Pastor Gene AND ANNIE'S Summer Vacation - Part 2

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I am changing the title of this daily blog to Pastor Gene AND ANNIE'S Summer Vacation, Part Two. Annie once again gave me 'it's always about you speech' and 'I am on vacation with you too.' I think she is still a little sensitive from that 'big target' remark I made earlier. Oh well. This will be the blog for Sunday (since I had to endure an ENTIRE DAY with no internet/cell phone access!). And since it was Sunday, we visited the St. John In The Woods Church at Flat Rock. This church was founded in 1833 and is so beautiful. VERY TRADITIONAL!

So, why there? Because, even though it was pretty much the opposite of Celebration Church (which we missed very much but I know that Pastor Lana hit it out of the park) it was a reminder to all of us that it takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people. Whether the park or the mountains, we all worship one God, one Saviour, One Faith.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hi everyone,

I have survived the first day of vacation planned by my wife Annie. Her vacation plans involve lots of hiking in places they would need to send in a helicopter to get me out. She described the first day as 'hike the trail ... wait for Gene.' She accused me of throwing rocks at her and missing. I told her ... 'how could I miss such a big target!' Can't wait for day two!

Pastor Gene

Thursday, June 11, 2009



So many times in life, a little thing called discouragement sets in. It’s the gray slush of winter. Like a dreaded disease, it gnaws away at our insides. We are all subject to the currents of discouragement that can sweep us into a danger zone. Even the most positive people can get discouraged. After Sunday’s service, (letter… “A friend of mine, really needed you but you didn’t return several calls and requests for counseling. WHY?! She deserves an apology. She had a death of a parent and a son. She needed you!!” –Unsigned (of course) …) what a bad day. 

Illustration: Former heavy-weight boxer James (Quick) Tillis is a cowboy from Oklahoma who fought out of Chicago in the early 1980’s. He still remembers his first day in the Windy City after his arrival from Tulsa. “I got off the bus with two cardboard suitcases under by arms in downtown Chicago and stopped in front of the Sears Tower. I put my suitcases down, and I looked up at the Tower and I said to myself, ‘I’m going to conquer Chicago.’ “When I looked down, the suitcases were gone.”

To lift us up from times like these and to give us a renewed perspective, God gave us poetry, especially the Psalms, that reflects on His kindness, His love. 

Quotation: Martin Luther prefaced his 1528 translation of Psalms with these words: A human heart is like a ship on a wild sea, driven by the storm winds from the four corners of the world. Here it is stuck with fear and worry about impending disaster; there comes grief and sadness because of present evil. Here breathes a breeze of hope and of anticipated happiness; there blows security and joy in present blessings. These storm winds teach us to speak with earnestness, to open the heart and pour out what lies at the bottom of it.

In Psalms you have, in poetic and musical form, the history of the Hebrew people. Psalms contains the emotions.– many of which are prayers, praises, and songs - were written as a response to the everyday occurrences going on in their life and nation.

  • Psalms is a peek into how these people responded to him in times of tragedy
(Psalm 88 and 91)

  • how they praised him in times of victory
(Psalms 92 and 66)

  • how they talked with him in times of confusion and anger (Psalms 73 and 58)

  • how they cared for each other in times of need
(Psalm 23 and 37 and 42)

  • how they repented and confessed in times of disobedience (Psalm 32 and 51)

  • how they found God in times of loneliness
(Psalms 71 and 62).

Did You Know…

  1. Psalms is the only book quoted by Satan

  2. At least 6 people wrote this collection of songs, prayers, and praises. Though David didn’t write all of them, he did write more than 50%. Other authors include Asaph (chief choir director for David), Sons of Korah (OT band/musicians direct from playing the palace in Jerusalem..), Ethan, Solomon and Moses

  3. Psalms contains the longest and shortest chapters in the Bible

  4. It is the longest book of the Bible

  5. It contains the exact middle chapter of the Bible – Psalm 118. That’s right -- there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118. Now, if you add those two together (594 + 594), you get 1188. Take that number and turn it into 118:8. What does it say? “It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man.”
The Book of Psalms is quoted more times in the New Testament than any other book, along with Isaiah. Not only did other Biblical writers enjoy this book, but the fact that the Psalms are so often added to copies of the New Testaments in America indicates that we English readers have come to love this book.

What the Psalms Invite us To Do

The Psalms are your invitation to pull off of the busy highway of life, full of cares and take the scenic route where you have time to enjoy God. 

  • Have you found yourself being moody lately?

  • Have you found yourself in bad circumstances?

  • Do you feel that God is distant or that He is somewhat unfair?

  • Are you angry because evil seems to always win?

  • Do you feel like complaining? Have you done something really stupid and you’re discouraged about it?
Then The Psalms are for you. We can’t deal with all of the stuff in this messed up world without an encounter with God. That’s what the Psalms do for us. They are our words that in desperation we utter back to God when our relationship with Him has been clouded.

The Bible was written in many genres. One of these is poetry. There are five Books of Poetry in the Bible, all of which are found in the Old Testament. They are: Job (addresses suffering), Psalms (addresses praise and worship), Proverbs (addresses wisdom), Ecclesiastes (addresses wisdom), and Song of Solomon.

So, this is our introduction to Psalms. Next Wednesday we will look at what is consistently voted as the most favorite chapter in the Bible of people in America. The 23rd Psalm. We’re going to look at God’s Road to Rest and how you and I can experience it through the incredible truths in this Psalm.

(With thanks to Tom Holliday)

Monday, June 8, 2009


Join Celebration Singles Tuesday 6/9/2009
@ 6:30 pm
Pinchers Crab Shack
Tin City

What is GoFish?

God Ordained
Fresh – Single Adults: 20s
Innovators- Single Adults: 30s
Survivors- Single Adults: 40s
Heroes- Single Adults over 50

By expressing your interest at

Send your name, mailing information, phone numbers and email address to register. Information will remain confidential.

The vision of GoFish Singles Ministry is to form an environment in which single adults can find a sense of community and have the security of knowing that being single does not have to mean being alone. To accomplish this vision GoFish Singles Ministry is structured to provide Godly activities through a technology based delivery system which will be the foundation block by which single adult members can:

  • Connect with other single adults Christian in the church through ministry, social and networking events hosted by GoFish.

  • Serve as an outreach to single adults in our community in need of a loving and caring church home or collaborative singles fellowship through targeted singles events.

  • Provide evangelistic opportunities to reach un-churched single adults in a relaxed environment.

  • Four components have been identified as foundation blocks for sustaining this outreach to single adult members of Celebration Community Beach Church as follows; online Christian singles community, targeted singles ministry events, social and networking events.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


One of the best things happening at Celebration is not our Sunday morning outdoor service (even though it is pretty cool!). No, it is our Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening bible studies. Many of you attend and enjoy the fellowship and study and really bad jokes. But many more of you can't make it but you would like to go a bit deeper. So, since you are reading this on your computer, I will post every Wednesday "WEBWORD" which will be a condensed version of our weekly bible study.

So, beginning next week, we will be talking about "Psalms For Less Stress" and Psalm 23. So, check in and learn more about how the Bible can change your life each week.