Monday, January 5, 2009

Memory Problem

Here is a bad joke:

Patient to his psychiatrist: Doctor, I can't remember anything! I forgot what happened yesterday. I forgot what my car looks like. I can't even remember my own name.

Psychiatrist: How long have you had this problem?

Patient: What problem?

Well, that joke describes your humble pastor! I was in the library today (the most important card in my wallet is my library card) and a couple greets me. I say hello and I said that I had missed seeing them in church. They then informed me that they were in church Sunday and had been attending for the past 5 years! They were very nice and said some really nice things, but the entire time I just stood there thinking, 'you idiot! Why can't you remember their names?' This happens to me all the time. So, I need your help. What would be the best response?
  1. I am sorry. But I do not remember your names. Could you tell me?

  2. Just act like I know who you are

  3. Call 'hey you' or 'how's it going'

  4. Just say....'my brain is full and I have to excuse myself now.

Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Just be honest....however there are some good memory/name courses available out there.

Anonymous said...

I invested in a memory/name recognition course several years ago. It made a world of difference in my interaction with others. I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Great Bible Study last night! Don't worry too much about the names thing. It is obvious you remember what is important.

Anonymous said...

Plain old honesty is always the best way.