Monday, January 5, 2009

Beach Chair Buddies

Hi everyone. What a great service Sunday!
80 degrees and beautiful blue sky. And because of the weather, we came close to having 1000 in worship at the park. Now this is unusual because we usually don't hit 1000 till around February/March. Of course this means that we are already running out of chairs! We can only bring 850 to the park. And if this is a challenge in January, imagine what the next few months are going to be like?
Fortunately, there is a wonderful solution. Just become a 'beach chair buddy.' Here is how. Every Sunday, just bring a beach chair for you to sit in and an extra for a 'friend.' We have had some wonderful beach chair buddy stories from the past years so, who knows?


Anonymous said...

Great service Sunday and a great idea, I will be a beach chair buddy!

Anonymous said...

Is this a new record for January? We were waay in the back Sunday...

Anonymous said...

Yes! We have never had a crowd this big for the first Sunday in January! Why? Well...85 degrees that Sunday in Naples....-24 degrees wind chill in New Hampshire! Remember Mark Twain once said that no matter how rich you are, the size of your funeral will always depend upon the weather!

Anonymous said...

The service was wonderful Sunday. I disagree about the weather. I think there are many of us who would sit in the rain to hear pastor Gene. I need to hear Sunday about helping a friend who is dying. Even if there is snow, I WILL be there!

Anonymous said...

You are place to sit Sunday!