Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weddings in Naples

I have just returned from fulfilling a dream come true. I officiated a wedding in the Disney wedding pavilion at Walt Disney World in Orlando. Here at Celebration we receive numerous requests on a weekly basis about how to get married in Florida. So, in this blog, we will try to help. For those who dream of a romantic outdoor wedding, Naples Florida beckons. With its endless sunshine, warm weather year 'round and beautiful beaches, Naples is the perfect place to hold nuptials. Our favorite location is at the south gazebo at Lowdermilk Beach park (see the photo above). Follow these simple guidelines to be on your way to wedded bliss.

To get married in Florida, visiting couples need only go together to the nearest clerk of the circuit court office to obtain a marriage license. Marriage licenses are good for 60 days. The standard fee is $96.00, which can typically be paid with cash or by charge or personal check.Florida residents must wait three days to get a license. However residents who can provide documentation showing they completed a state-approved marriage preparation course within the year don't have to wait the three days.

The pastors at Celebration use the "Pre-Marriage Awareness Inventory" with topics including conflict management, financial and parenting responsibilities. As a bonus, residents who take the course get a reduction of $34.50 off the license fee. And it's not necessary for residents to obtain licenses from their home county. As soon as a license is obtained, a wedding ceremony can be performed anywhere in the state. To obtain a marriage license, U.S citizens must provide their social security numbers and photo identification, such as driver's licenses. International visitors must bring passports, or naturalization or immigration numbers.

Also, people who have been married previously must provide the date of divorce, annulment or spouse's death.With a few exceptions, both the bride and groom are required to be 18. Florida doesn't require blood tests or medical exams. Contact the local clerk of the circuit court for further information. Also. at Celebration, we can provide wonderful music and photography services. You can call the church office at 239-649-1588.

Sponsored by Celebration Community Beach Church
Saturday, February 21st at 9:00 a.m.

Celebration Community Beach Church through their Vision for Haiti, Helping Hands Program will sponsor the project "Kids Against Hunger".

We need 300 volunteers to help put together 100,000 meals of soy protein, dried vegetables, chicken flavoring and rice.

Donations are needed to cover the cost of supplies and delivery to the children in Haiti. We are also looking for workers for this important project. Your contributions can be made out to Celebration Community Beach Church and is a tax deductible contribution. Please indicate that your donation is for Vision for Haiti. You can bring your contribution on the day you volunteer or you can send it to:

    Celebration Community Beach Church
    65 12th Street South
    Naples, FL 34102-6265

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This Morning's Poem

By Bobette Bryan

I was there
on the day you were born,
and I gave you special gifts
to last a lifetime.

I touched you,
made you smile,
helped you grow,
and watched you take your first step.

I even reassured you
that all would be OK
when you lost your first tooth.

I saw you off
on your first day of school
and I lingered by your side
the whole day.

I was there
to console you
every time you cried
and I held you
every time you fell
and scrapped your knees.

I was there
every day all through the years,
and I always strived to give you direction.

I helped you every step of the way into adulthood,
bringing you daily gifts
of inspiration, hope and love.

And I gave you trials
so that you could grow into the
warm and beautiful person you are…
but I never abandoned you to them.

I’ve never,
not for a single second,
turned my back on you
when you needed me…
even when you thought
that you didn’t need me.

I heard you
every time you spoke,
and I answered every prayer
though sometimes-
for your best interests-
I didn’t answer them
the way you hoped I would.

I’m still with you
through your Joys,
your hopes,
your tears,
your dreams…
through the bad days,
the good days-
through every day of your life.

And I will be there
in the end
to give you comfort
and to see you safely Home
where you’ll sit beside Me
in all the glory of Heaven.


Sunday, January 11, 2009


“No one can live forever; all will die. No one can escape the
power of the grave.” Psalm 89:48 (NLT)
  • DENIAL “This isn't happening to me!”
    “I am frightened inside; the terror of death has attacked me.”
    Psalm 55:4 (NCV)
  • ANGER “Why is this happening to me?”
    “I was overcome with anger. The more I thought, the more
    troubled I became; I could not keep from asking: ‘Lord, how
    long will I live? When will I die? Tell me how soon my life
    will end?’” Psalm 39:3-4 (TEV)
  • BARGAINING “I promise to … if you’ll let me live.”
    “You can never pay God enough to stay alive forever and be safe
    from death.” Psalm 49:8-9 (CEV)
  • DEPRESSION “I just don't care anymore.”
    “I'm at the end of my rope, my life is in ruins. I'm fading away to nothing, passing away.” Psalm 109:22-23 (MSG)
  • ACCEPTANCE “I'm ready for whatever happens.”
    “I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, ‘You are my God!’ My
    future is in your hands.” Psalm 31:14-15 (NLT)
    “My loved ones and friends stay away, fearing my disease. Even
    my own family stands at a distance.” Psalm 38:11 (NLT)


C – I need to confront my own fears.
O – Offer my physical presence.
M – Minister with practical assistance.
F – Fortify them with emotional support.
O – Open them up with questions.
R – Remember the family has needs too.
T – Turn them to Jesus.

Psalm 38
“I’m burning with fever and I’m near death. I’m worn out and utterly crushed. My heart is troubled and I groan with pain.”
Psalm 116:15
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”
“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now [the ivs, the doctors, the medical equipment, the machines. We don’t look at all the troubles we see right now] we look forward to what we have not yet seen. [that’s heaven] For the troubles we have seen will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.”

Psalm 23 - that everybody knows:
“Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid for you are close beside me.”

Psalm 142
“I looked for someone to come and help me but no one gives me a passing thought. No one will help me. No one cares a bit about what happens to me.”

Psalm 38:11
“My loved ones and friends stay away, fearing my disease. Even my own family stands at a distance.”


Friday, January 9, 2009

Naples Christian Women’s Connection

Ro Schober and Pastor Lana at
Friday’s Naples Christian Women’s Connection

Ladies, I wish you all could have been at the Naples Christian Women’s Connection today. You would have seen a large dining room filled with women wearing funny, colorful, creative and downright strange hats. Prizes were awarded for the best hats and our own Ro Schober won a prize with a hat her daughter had made especially for her. You would have enjoyed our usual delicious luncheon and scrumptious dessert. You would have been blessed, inspired and encouraged by Pamela Tolson, our excellent speaker and vocalist.

Next month’s meeting will be held on Friday, Feb. 6th. Look for the flyer with all the information on the back table. I hope I see you there next month. You’ll be glad you came.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Memory Problem

Here is a bad joke:

Patient to his psychiatrist: Doctor, I can't remember anything! I forgot what happened yesterday. I forgot what my car looks like. I can't even remember my own name.

Psychiatrist: How long have you had this problem?

Patient: What problem?

Well, that joke describes your humble pastor! I was in the library today (the most important card in my wallet is my library card) and a couple greets me. I say hello and I said that I had missed seeing them in church. They then informed me that they were in church Sunday and had been attending for the past 5 years! They were very nice and said some really nice things, but the entire time I just stood there thinking, 'you idiot! Why can't you remember their names?' This happens to me all the time. So, I need your help. What would be the best response?
  1. I am sorry. But I do not remember your names. Could you tell me?

  2. Just act like I know who you are

  3. Call 'hey you' or 'how's it going'

  4. Just say....'my brain is full and I have to excuse myself now.

Any suggestions?

Beach Chair Buddies

Hi everyone. What a great service Sunday!
80 degrees and beautiful blue sky. And because of the weather, we came close to having 1000 in worship at the park. Now this is unusual because we usually don't hit 1000 till around February/March. Of course this means that we are already running out of chairs! We can only bring 850 to the park. And if this is a challenge in January, imagine what the next few months are going to be like?
Fortunately, there is a wonderful solution. Just become a 'beach chair buddy.' Here is how. Every Sunday, just bring a beach chair for you to sit in and an extra for a 'friend.' We have had some wonderful beach chair buddy stories from the past years so, who knows?

Happy Birthday!

FOR THE WEEK OF Jan. 4th-10th, 2009

4th - Wayne Groenstein
Nancy Temple
6th -Tom Rauenswinter
8th - Mickey Jensen
9th - Amy Webb