Thursday, July 31, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene

Hi everyone,

Several of you have asked if I had survived all the tests that they are running on me and so far so good. But I have learned that there is always ONE MORE TEST! "The feel good movie of the summer..'The Never ending Tests' starring Gene 'all you can eat buffett' Scott." The tests have found a blockage between my gall bladder and my pancreas. I never even knew that those two were connected. So, the bottom line looks like removing my gall bladder which they now can do at any 7-11.

Pastor Gene

Monday, July 21, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 20

I am writing this after a really tough weekend. In one night I developed pancreaticis, diviticulotis, and passed a kidney stone. So, just lying on my back, I had this idea. Why not place an ad in the paper with a convertible on the beach with the top down with the tag...welcome to a church that is topless! Of course Annie said no and this just shows what drugs can do to an already messed up mind.

Thanks to Pastor Lana and the entire Celebration team for another great service. I am sorry I wasn't there. So just keep me in your prayers and I will give out a progress report next week. Also, I hope that we can have a blog post soon from our Haiti mission trip.

Pastor Gene

Monday, July 14, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 14

Hello happy bloggers,

Another great summer service! We did not get a crowd count this Sunday (400+?) but some great connection card comments...

    "Drove by." --
    "Was at the Post Office across the street." --
    "Riding by and stopped and asked someone what was going on. "Church." I decided to stay. Enjoyed the service. A good way to start the day. God bless you all."

And as Pastor Lana put it.. "wasn't it wonderful that the rain held off until everything was picked up, packed up and gone?!"

By the way, I am writing this today (Monday) from my office away from the office in Central Florida. Check out the photo. One of the great things about starting a church is that you get to try things in a different way. Since the beginning of Celebration, I have wanted there to be an emphasis on the preaching and teaching. So, around four times a year, I just pack up and spend a few days doing just that. What am I working on this week? Well, a new message series I am calling "The only thing constant is change." Change is now the new buzz word but it is more than that. Just check out this weeks Time magazine with South Florida on the cover. Not quite sure the topics yet, but we need help in figuring out our place in the changes happening to all of us and all around us.

Also, I am pulling out a 2002 bible study on Bad Girls Of The Bible. Adding slightly bad girls, really bad girls and bad boys also to the mix so should turn out to be fun on Wednesdays. question for the week...
the connection cards show that the majority of first time church guests last week found Celebration by just "stopping by" and "Checking it out".

Should we take money spent on newspaper advertising and use it for banners and other high profile signs letting people know that this is a service in the park? Both? None? Other ideas? Let us know what you think on...the blogspot!!!!!

Pastor Gene

News and Announcements

There will be NO
celebration@7 Bible Study
at 7 PM until Aug. 6th.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Notes from Pastor Gene - July 8

Greetings Everyone! ON A HOT HOLIDAY WEEKEND we had 417 in church! (With no church ad!) Thought the music was exceptional as always and noticed crowds not only around the hospitality table but around the 'Paws In The Park' table as well! 4 re-dedications to Christ and we got out on time!!!!

Good to see the red truck back. I only wish I had remembered to have Ann and John speak about the help we gave out last week. Someone please remind me next Sunday. Kudos to the Celebration Pit crew for handling a hot sweaty chore with a smile.

Be sure to check out our 4 legged friend's photos on the web site .

I love all you so much!!!!!
Pastor Gene

God's purpose for our lives is our JOY!

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