Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You Miss a LOT if You Miss Bible Study!

Pastor Gene has been known to say things without thinking, and if you are really lucky and very quick, you can play a joke on him using his own words.Case in point: At Bible study on 7-1-09, Pastor Gene told a story about receiving a money tree for his 50th birthday that contained 80 one dollar bills. When he went to purchase something at JC Penney's and pulled out a stack of ones, the sales clerk asked which restaurant he worked at. Gene, being very quick witted, responded that he wasn't a waiter, but an exotic dancer. At this point the sales clerk and all the other customers burst out laughing! Now this story had nothing to do with Bible study, but Pastor Gene told it anyway. He closed Bible study by saying, "Next week, everyone remember your dollar bills."

We couldn't let the remark go by unchallanged could we? So last night, without Pastor Gene knowing, everyone at Bible study was given a dollar bill with the instructions to give it to Pastor Gene as if he were a male dancer. After Pastor Lana's prayer, she started by tucking a dollar into Pastor Gene's shirt pocket.

Thanks everyone.

P.S. All monies collected were given to the Helping Hands fund.

WWJWD (On dollar bill) = What Would John Wayne Do?


pete said...

I have got to start attending bible study!

Ellen and Justin said...

I can't believe we missed it. Bet it was a hoot!

Anonymous said...

How much money did he get from dancing?

Anonymous said...

This was hilarious at church today. This is definately not my church from up North!