Saturday, July 25, 2009

What is Coming up at Celebration?

Hi everyone,

I have been out of town this week to just get away and work on some new message and Bible study ideas. Here are some things I have been working on. I finally finished the bible study you asked for on intercessory prayer. "How To Pray Where Other People Get The Blessing" (even if they never pray).How many of you would say that you have been blessed by the prayers of others? That other people prayed for you and it’s helped? Well guess what? You can learn to pray that way. This Wednesday you will learn how. You will also learn about five 'prayer-busters' that will keep your prayers from having all the power they can and I have been playing around with a bible study on a book everyone has been talking about called "The Shack." Interested? In August Bible study will revolve around CONFRONTING THE JESUS I KNOW

I feel closer to Jesus than to my wife, family or friends. It is a special relationship that I can only have with someone who loves me so completely. But yet, I still have questions. If Jesus was 100% God as well as a man, why couldn’t he have just prayed to Himself? Is Jesus the only way to Heaven? What would have happened if Judas had not betrayed Jesus? What would have happened if Jesus had sinned? Did Jesus have a secret, shadow mission? I invite you to join me every Wednesday in August at 7 pm as I share with you the Jesus that I know. That takes care of Bible Study.

Message topics are:



Picnics and pools, fireworks and hotdogs, vacations and baseball, golf and the beach. There’s nothing like summer weekends to rejuvenate the soul.We all enjoy summer and God uses recreation and activity and beauty to bring us closer to Him. You voted as the five top activities of summer...road trip, reading, family time, sunsets and the beach. We will have fun looking at how God uses these activities to bring balance into our lives. So join us, every Sunday in August for "National Lampoons Celebration Summer Vacation!"



Why Do we meet outdoors every Sunday in the Park? We will take a good look at "Worship When It Doesn't Make Sense" How To Worship When You're Worried"

"Worship When It Always Doesn't Make Sense" "How To Worship When You Are Wounded"



During this month we will look at the purpose Of Celebration

What Drives Your Church?

The Foundation for a Healthy Church

Reaching Out to Your Community

Who Is Your Target?

Knowing Whom You Can Best Reach

Bringing In a Crowd

How Jesus Attracted Crowds


Sandy said...

I would love to attend a bible study on the book "The Shack". I truly believed this book has changed my life.

Anonymous said...

ditto on Th Shack study....

Anonymous said...

I will attend a study on the shack.

Anonymous said...

Please announce at church when you will be doing the study on is Jesus the only way to Heaven. This is very important for me to hear.