Saturday, April 18, 2009

Should I Have FaceBook Page?

I came across this article and loved it. So, I want to share it with all of you ...comments?

The antidote to technological isolation
by Jon Ferguson

I have over 800 friends on Facebook and about the same number of Twitter followers. I have additional acquaintances on Plaxo and LinkedIn, not to mention all my Outlook contacts. I can access the New York Times, CNN, and almost every version of the Bible on my Blackberry or laptop in seconds. I have instant access to incredible amounts of information and literally thousands of people. Yet sometimes I wonder if I’m any more connected or better informed than I was before all this accessibility.

We can have a false sense of community because we have contact with so many people, but often have no real connections. We can have loads of information at our fingertips, but rarely interact with it in a way that makes a difference or results in life-change.

Jesus offers a solution to this kind of technological isolation. One day a man asked Jesus, “What is the most important commandment?” In Jesus’ day, people had taken the Bible and boiled it down to 613 commandments. So the guy is saying, “Help me out here, cut through this information overload and just tell me which is the most important commandment? He was asking Jesus, “What’s the big idea?”

Jesus responds by saying the most important one is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” In the same breath he says, “And the second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. No commandment is more important than these.”

Why did Jesus give the two most important commands and not just the one? He adds this second thing so that we don’t fall into a “just Jesus and me” kind of spirituality that can lead to isolation. When Jesus says to love other people with the same kind of focus and energy that you love yourself, he is echoing God’s original dream in Genesis. Jesus doesn’t say love your neighbor as yourself because that’s what nice and good – what Christian people should do. It’s because it’s how we are hard-wired to live. It’s what it means to be a Christ-follower.

"We can have a false sense of community because we have contact with so many people, but often have no real connections. "

Jon Ferguson


lydia said...

You need a facebook would have many many facebook friends...

Anonymous said...

How about a pastor Gene Bobblehead? i collect them....

Anonymous said...

I vote for a pastor Gene facebook site!

pat said...

Can pastor Gene twitter? That would be interesting.

Jim said...

I am a pastor in North Georgia who enjoys Rev. Gene's podcast. When will they be updated?