Monday, April 27, 2009

Real Florida Eating!

As many of you know, I have this love/hate relationship with food. is mainly love.'s all love! So, when you ask me, as a Floridian, what is the perfect Florida meal, I respond with one word...buffet! No...the word is...mullet! I was meeting with our pastors last week and neither one of them had ever heard of a mullet? How about you? So, to provide a benefical public service, please peruse the attached photos. That is fried mullet. Those are hushpuppies. You eat the hushpuppies with guava jelly. That is sweet tea in the glasses. What you are looking at (and, in my case, drooling over,) is an authentic Florida supper. By the way, that is my father doing the frying.


Pam said...

All I can say is YUM!! Did you learn to cook like that? Pam

Anonymous said...

Now that looks like real Florida cooking!

Anonymous said...

Your father is thinner than you are!

Anonymous said...

and you didn't leave me any :(

maybe next time I can go an see the family.

Anonymous said...

Trying to find that Scott seafood restaurant right now!

Anonymous said...

Don't see a salad anywhere.....

Anonymous said...

Didn't you do a sermon on this last year? Practice what you preach?