Sunday, February 15, 2009

Equal Access

Hello everyone,

By now, you have read today's article in the Naples Daily News.

Several of you asked my opinion of the article and I said I would try to put something up on the blog today, so here it is.

This is not a separation of church and state issue even though Ms. Bender seems to think so.

This is not a real estate issue even though several members of City Council seems to think so.

This is an equal access issue!

Any organization can use the park but a church? The city attorney has said that you cannot refuse Celebration the use of the park because of religion.

Here is a new word for you..."Christophobic." These are people that are afraid of Christians....afraid that our God will rub off on them somehow! We want people to want what we have, not to be fearful of it.

And just another random thought... Whatever happened to tolerance in our country? In the next few weeks, I will be talking about these issues. But I would love to hear from you and let me know what you think or suggestions?

Remember, the greater the opportunity, the greater the obstacles! Our goal has always been to be an asset to Naples. I want the community to say, 'We need Celebration for the love they show others.'

BTW....great service today with 1000+ to hear Randy Kington! Be sure to check out the great photos on the website.

Pastor Gene


Anonymous said...

1000! Tell us what we need to do!

Anonymous said...

Could you please explain more fully what will be happening in November 2009? I thought our agreement ran until 2010?

Anonymous said...

Will the city council be telling us in November to move?

Anonymous said...

I do not understand. This is a wonderful addition for Naples. One of the reasons we return every winter season is to attend Celebration church! Plus every Sunday, Starbucks on 5th is packed with people attending Celebration. I am sure other businesses benefit from lunch from the church crowd as well. What is wrong with this city?

Anonymous said...

Should we be doing something?

Anonymous said...

I was so angry over the article in the Naples Daily News....

Anonymous said...

The message today answered so many questions for me. How can i get a 'hard copy'? I could never respond as rationally as you did today with such clarity.