Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Best of Naples

Hi everybody,
Check out the plaque...pretty cool!


Anonymous said...

This is something that I have known for years! There is no other service like it anywhere! Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Last Sunday's service was amazing! It doesn't matter where the service is held, it is always a life changing event!

Anonymous said...

I love that it says places of worship....I guess the park is not so bad a place to have church!

Anonymous said...

I pray for these people that are objecting to our church in the park. I invite them to join us and see why we love being in God's house. What do they do on Sunday morning? Are they in church?

Anonymous said...

Once again...paradise in the park!!!!! THe service today transcended even the beauty we were surrounded with!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and a big Thank You to everyone that volunteered to work at our food packing event for Haiti on Saturday February 21, 2009. As Pastor Gene announced in Church today, the event exceeded all our expectations. A good lesson for all of us. Never put limitations on what God can do. We are now able to feed more starving kids through the 3 Churches we support in Haiti."Great job Celebration Community Beach Church!"
Bill Bull, Youth Leader

Anonymous said...

Did You Know?
We have a very active Youth Group at Celebration Community Beach Church? Over the last 2 weeks our Youth have participated in the following events:

February 21st: Our Youth Group showed up,invited friends and joined other youth groups at our packing event for Haiti. Good job Youth Group!

February 27th: A group of 15 members of our Youth Group attended the Everblades Hockey Game along with 8 adults. We watched with pride as "We welcome Celebration Community Beach Church" was flashed on the jumbo screen several times throughout the game. Thanks to the adults: Ellen, Michelle, Craig, Teri, Doug and Pam!

March 1st: The Youth Group met at Woodbine Bowling Lanes in East Naples for 2 hours of bowling fun. Thanks to Celebration Community Beach Church for supporting our Youth. They are the future of our Church.
Bill Bull, Youth Leader