Thursday, May 14, 2009

One Month to Live

We’re starting a new series that we’re calling “One Month to Live.” The idea behind this series is if you knew you had one month to live, what would you value? This question isn’t new. It’s been around as long as death has been here If you knew you had one month to value, what would you do?

One month to live, what would you do? Talk to me.

    Go to Israel.
    Quit my job.
    Spend it with your family.
    Slow down.
    Drink Diet Pepsi. Amen! Amen to that! (But why diet?)
    Take a cruise?
I want to hear from you. Leave a comment on what you would do if you only had one month to live?

(Well, for starters, I wouldn't pick the month of February!)

Pastor Gene


Barry said...

Great message today! I would spend that month visiting every member of my family to let them know how much I love them and to celebrate my life with their life.

Anonymous said...

Top of my list...spend time with family and friends and then to hit a hole in one!

Alice said...

You asked for it, here is my bucket list...
1. Touched an iceberg* (and stood on one floating in the ocean)
2. Slept under the stars*
5. Watched a meteor shower*
6. Given more than you can afford to charity*
7. Swam with wild dolphins*
8. Climbed a mountain*
9. Held a tarantula*
10. Said "I love you" and meant it*
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Stayed up all night long and watched the sun rise*
15. Seen the Northern Lights
16. Gone to a huge sports game *
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the Statue of Liberty
19. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope*
26. Gone skinny dipping*
28. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar*
29. Seen a total eclipse*
30. Ridden a roller coaster*
35. Felt very happy about your life, even for just a moment*
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied*
38. Watched wild whales*
40. Gone on a midnight walk on the beach*
41. Gone sky diving
42. Visited Ireland
43. Ever bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant*
49. Sung karaoke*
54. Gone to a drive-in theater*
55. Done something you should regret, but don't*
57. Started a business*
70. Found out something significant that your ancestors did
72. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over*
73. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge*
83. Eaten sushi*
84. Had your picture in the newspaper*
85. Read The Bible cover to cover (I'm not sure, can't remember, I had the goal on my mission but I read so many scriptures then I can't remember if I actually read the whole thing - I think if I had, I would remember it)
91. Eaten fried green tomatoes*
95. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt*(I think I am a pro at this)
98. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream*
102. Dyed your hair*
107. Brought out the best in people*
108. Brought out the worst in people*
122. Ridden a train*
133. Gone deep sea fishing*
138. Flown first class
139. Spent the night in a 5-star luxury suite* (does a resort count?)
140. Flown in a helicopter
144. Learned how to take a compliment*
158. Written a poem*
174. Had a song dedicated to you on the radio or at a concert*
197. Ridden in or owned a convertible*
198. Found a long lost friend*

Anonymous said...

Ilove thlist from Alice. I had 10 things on my list. Mainly dealing with my family and one special friend.

Anonymous said...

Nice list but I would put on mine...have sex once.

Anonymous said...

1. my family
2. my spiritual life

Anonymous said...

I found out that my cancer has spread. My one month list may become my 'one month list.' I wish I had made this list before chemotherapy.

Anonymous said...

To turn the words I love you into daily acts of kindness. To love my family more and be who they need me to be.To pray as I go, over strangers I pass, foreclosed homes, boarded up shops...To smile when no one smiles back. To forgive and let go of the past...and to live each day with purpose and passion...

Anonymous said...

Never leave my wife's side....

Anonymous said...

Forgive myself and then forgive others...
oh yeah...go to Las Vegas...

Anonymous said...

Is that really pastor Gene on the bulletin cover?

pastor Gene said...

THe answer That is not me (notice the skinny waist!). If I ever bungee jumped, you would only hear two sounds; me screaming like a little girl and the bungee cord going 'snap!'