Monday, March 30, 2009

Tomorrow Never Comes

Hi everyone,
Another fun service Sunday with over 100 wedding rededications! A special thank you to Jim & Lisa Lyle for being so brave renewing their vows in front of over 1100 Sunday (and that is with the iccky weather). You are all the best.

I shared a poem in Sunday's message on love that lasts. The poem is Originally titled Tomorrow Never Comes," it was actually written by Norma Cornett Marek in 1989 as, in her words, "a tribute to a beloved child I lost, in hopes it would cause people to never be careless or too busy to let our loved ones know we love them.""I am honored that it was used for the Sept. 11th tragedy as a tribute" Marek told "I really do not see why this certain poem is so coveted. It is a mother's heart speaking, not a great poem by any means, yet many seem to think so."

If I knew it was the last time I’d see you fall asleep
I’d tuck you in more tightly and pray your soul to keep.

If I knew it was the last time I’d see you out the door,
I’d hug and kiss you one more time and call you back for more.

If I knew it was the last time I’d get to share your day.
I know that I’d make certain it didn’t slip away.

We assume we’ll have tomorrow to correct an oversight.
That we’ll always have another chance to make everything all right.

That there will always be another day to say that I love you.
There will always be another chance to ask, “What can I do?”

But just in case I might be wrong and today is all I get
I want to say that I love you so that you will not forget.

Tomorrow is not promised that we’ll see another night.
Today could be my last chance to love and hold you tight.

Instead of waiting for tomorrow, show your love somehow.
For if tomorrow never comes you’ll wish you’d done it now.

That you didn’t take the extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
Instead you were busy, too busy for the one that you now miss.

Hold your loved one close today and whisper in their ear
Tell them that you love them and why you hold them dear

Say “I’m sorry, please forgive me, you’re the best, it’s ok”
So if tomorrow never comes you’ll not regret today.


Anonymous said...

I just found this blog with the poem. This rededication Sunday has saved and re-energized our failing marriage.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine told me to find this poem on the church blog. I am so glad that I did! My husband has just suffered a massive heart attack and I thought that I had lost him. Everyone should have a copy of this poem taped to their bathroom mirror to read every day!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem and so true....can't wait for Easter service...need a hopeful word.

Anonymous said...

Just read this looking for something else...this poem is so beautiful and true! I waited till it was too late.....

Anonymous said...

So true...