Monday, March 30, 2009

Tomorrow Never Comes

Hi everyone,
Another fun service Sunday with over 100 wedding rededications! A special thank you to Jim & Lisa Lyle for being so brave renewing their vows in front of over 1100 Sunday (and that is with the iccky weather). You are all the best.

I shared a poem in Sunday's message on love that lasts. The poem is Originally titled Tomorrow Never Comes," it was actually written by Norma Cornett Marek in 1989 as, in her words, "a tribute to a beloved child I lost, in hopes it would cause people to never be careless or too busy to let our loved ones know we love them.""I am honored that it was used for the Sept. 11th tragedy as a tribute" Marek told "I really do not see why this certain poem is so coveted. It is a mother's heart speaking, not a great poem by any means, yet many seem to think so."

If I knew it was the last time I’d see you fall asleep
I’d tuck you in more tightly and pray your soul to keep.

If I knew it was the last time I’d see you out the door,
I’d hug and kiss you one more time and call you back for more.

If I knew it was the last time I’d get to share your day.
I know that I’d make certain it didn’t slip away.

We assume we’ll have tomorrow to correct an oversight.
That we’ll always have another chance to make everything all right.

That there will always be another day to say that I love you.
There will always be another chance to ask, “What can I do?”

But just in case I might be wrong and today is all I get
I want to say that I love you so that you will not forget.

Tomorrow is not promised that we’ll see another night.
Today could be my last chance to love and hold you tight.

Instead of waiting for tomorrow, show your love somehow.
For if tomorrow never comes you’ll wish you’d done it now.

That you didn’t take the extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
Instead you were busy, too busy for the one that you now miss.

Hold your loved one close today and whisper in their ear
Tell them that you love them and why you hold them dear

Say “I’m sorry, please forgive me, you’re the best, it’s ok”
So if tomorrow never comes you’ll not regret today.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Food for Haiti

Saturday, was a very exciting day!! Over 500 of us showed up to help make food packets for the children in Haiti. It was so much fun!! I was a “weigh person” which means I was responsible for weighing each bag of food to an exact amount per bag (14 grams each). It was great to meet new people, laugh and talk amongst everyone at our table. Each person had a different responsibility and we alternated getting tickled by each other’s antics during the process. We all looked goofy in our hair nets and even wore them to church the next day to show our support for the project. Thanks for the experience!!

Polly Graziano

Monday, March 2, 2009

What an amazing service yesterday! The weather was beautiful (the rain and clouds held off until well after the service was over). Several of you have already sent me (we written) copies of your letter to the editor and some of you have received this response..."who is trying to make you leave this park?" You have asked me for more specifics on this, so here is a quick synopsis...

The Community Services Advisory Board has made Celebration Community Beach Church’s exit from Cambier park a priority. After several months where the church put up with accusations, innuendo and downright deception from this board, the city attorney stepped in an issued a legal opinion that some members of the board disagreed with, the result being of Audrey Bender resigning from the board in protest. However, they were able to have this discussed at the January workshop of the Naples City Council. And we are now on the agenda for the November 2009 workshop. Why November 2009? Because in November 2010, our use agreement with the city will be up for renewal and some members of city council want to make sure that we have plenty of time to locate a new church location. So, yes….there is an organized effort including a letter of protest filed with the city from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Remember, in your letters to the papers and city council...BE POSITIVE!!!!!


1. PRAY. Pray for our church leaders, Naples City Council Members, and for all our members and attendees.

(This is effective whether you live in the City or the County.)

Here’s how:

Mail: Naples Daily News
ATTN: Letters to the Editor
1075 Central Avenue
Naples, FL 34102

Fax: # 263-4816
If you have questions, call: # 263-4773

Rules of engagement: 250 words or less; Must include full name, address and phone (address & phone will not be printed.); If mailed or faxed, letter must be signed; last but not least - WRITE SOMETHING POSITIVE…NOTHING NEGATIVE!


Dear Editor,

I’d like to share my personal experience with you about Celebration Beach Church and what it means to me. A friend invited me to the service at Cambier Park several years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. The music is upbeat, the sermon topics are bible based and relevant to my daily life, I see friends and familiar faces all around me, and Pastor Gene’s jokes make me laugh long after I’ve left the park. Life isn’t always easy, in fact things are especially difficult right now, but Celebration Beach Church picks me up and helps me find joy in each and every day. What better place to be with God than in nature! Celebration Beach Church is a great asset to the community and an important part of my Naples lifestyle.

WARNING – if you go, it may be habit forming!
Valerie Pike (25 year, full-time, Naples resident)

(Most effective for City Residents.)

Here’s how:

Mail: Naples City Council
735 Eighth Street South
Naples, FL 34102

Fax: # 213-1010
If you have questions, call: # 213-1000

Mayor: Bill Barnett,
Council Members:

Penny Taylor,
Theresa Heitmann,
Gary Price II,
John Sorey III,
Margaret ‘Dee’ Sullick,
Bill Wilkomm III,



(Name of Naples City Council Member)
RE: Leasing Cambier Park to Celebration Beach Church

Dear (Naples City Council Member),

I am writing to you in support of renewing Celebration Beach Church’s non-exclusive lease at Cambier Park in November 2010. As a constituent of the City of Naples I thought I should bring to your attention the positive effects of this motion:

If the lease is renewed:

  1. The City upholds the federal laws of treating religious organizations the same as it treats non-religious organizations.

  2. The City generates much needed revenue, helps downtown businesses, and increases utilization of City Parks.

  3. The City promotes healthy enjoyment of the great outdoors.

  4. The City leads by example in the every growing ‘green movement’.

  5. Lives may be changed for the better because Celebration Beach Church is in the Park. Life hurts, God heals.

  6. People may be drawn to the City of Naples because they’ve found a church they can call ‘home’.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my opinion on this matter. I hope that my expressed concern will make a difference in your decision.

(Your Name)
(Your City of Naples Address)
(Your phone number)